
sommerlektyre_2015Dette er haugen med bøker jeg, litt optimistisk, har planer om å lese «i sommer». Noen er boksirkelbøker og bør helst være lest før vi møtes igjen i august, andre har jeg mer flytende deadline på, men felles for dem alle er at de egentlig ligger på toppen av «skal lese»-haugen (eller Mt TBR som det heter). Og selvsagt glemte jeg noen i min iver etter å få tatt bilde: Funny Girl av Nick Hornby og Eld og Nyckeln av Strandberg/Elfgren. Akk ja.

More for Mount TRB

Joanna at och dagarna går… has read a novel by Elif Shafak called Bastarden från Istanbul in Swedish. It sounds like just the thing. A quick search shows it as being originally written in English (The Bastard of Istanbul), though Shafak writes in Turkish as well, so I guess I’ll have a look for it (or her other books) in Scotland.

Bookwitch mentions an author I’ve never come across, called Lisa Tetzner, who apparently wrote a series of children’s books about siblings who emigrated to the States in the run-up to WW2. Sounds like something I’d want to look into, so here’s a note to self: Look into it.

Finally, for now, Lena of Les mye has read Honningtunger by Helene Uri, and now I want to read it too. Perhaps I ought to start with De beste blant oss, as I already have that, and have been meaning to read it for a couple of years…

Edit: I have to add Gå sönder, gå hel bySofia Nordin after what enligt O writes about it, though I guess I’d have to time the reading of it if it’s as disturbing as she says.

Adding to Mount TBR

Well, that’s the danger, but also the purpose, of reading bookblogs. Anyway, here are a few books I’ve put on my «to look for» list:

blackoutBlackout by Sam Mills was reviewed by Bookwitch this morning, and it sounds like a must-read. Banned books, rewritten classics and a government who knows best, protecting people from themselves? Give it to me!

The Fever series by Karen Marie Moning seems like something I need to check out. Silje shared a taster from Faefever in this week’s Smakebit på en søndag, and reading about Bloodfever on her blog intrigues me. Definitely something to look for (preferably second hand) in Scotland in a few weeks.


Another taster, this one from Elida, pointed me towards Papirpiken – or Le Fille de Papier, which is its original French title. So, nt something to look for in Scotland, but I might try to get the Norwegian translation from the library, because it sounds very nice.

On the whole, these tasters (organised by Mari) are going to be dangerous. Too many books, so little time!

And as if new-to-me books and authors are not sufficient, Labben reviews Ishiguro’s A Pale View of Hills and Lyran finishes Murakami’s Norwegian Wood, reminding me of authors whose unread books are already in my possession, I just need to find time to read them.
