Bout of Books 18: Day 2 stats

Bout of Books 18

I read 90 pages in (/the rest of) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and got started on Order of the Phoenix with 69 pages. I also read 15 (ebook) pages of Sweet Masterpiece by Connie Shelton. So all in all 174 pages (if you count the ebook pages as normal pages, which for the sake of my sanity I am going to do, if not I’d have to find some way to convert them).

And since I finished a book I got to fill inn the first line of my stats tracker:

Cool, eh? Ok, I may be a little over-enthusiastic about this.

And as actually using the Bujo is one of my goals for 2017 I could use the picture I shared on Instagram yesterday as my challenge entry, too.

Bøkenes ABC – U er for uggen

Jeg har en konstant bittersmak i munnen, verre når jeg spiser, sannsynligvis på grunn av et parti dodgy pinjekjerner (har skrevet mer om det på matbloggen). Det får meg til å føle meg uggen.

Vi har kommet til U i Lilla Os bokalfabet:

Vilken ungdomsbok skulle du rekommendera till vuxna läsare?

Ja, vi kan jo begynne med Harry Potter-serien. Hvis du ikke har lest den alt begynner det å bli på tide.

Finns det några böcker som du undviker?

Vampyrbøker. Grøss. Og ikke et frydefult grøss, altså, mer et «herlighet så dårlig» grøss. Jeg holder meg langt unna (og spiser hvitløk). Ei heller spøkelseshistorier (altså av typen «realistiske» bøker som forutsetter at spøkelser finnes, spøkelsene i Harry Potter, f.eks. blir noe helt annet). Og jeg leser nesten ikke chicklit lenger. I hvert fall ikke den typen som kun følger formelen «jente møter gutt – komplikasjoner oppstår – jente og gutt lever lykkelig alle sine dager» og ikke har et videre perspektiv. Og jeg leser ikke selvhjelpsbøker. Eller kvasivitenskap/-filosofi/-religion/-psykologi (à la Coehlo, Byrne, HKH Märtha Louise osv.).

Berätta om en riktigt underhållande bok!

Helena har nevnt Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, så da tar jeg en annen favoritt: Red Dwarf (og påfølgende). Fra hvilket man kanskje kan slutte at jeg liker komedie og sci-fi i kombinasjon. Men det er de to eneste tilfelle jeg vet om, så det statistiske grunnlaget er tynt. Red Dwarf er i alle fall usannsynlig underholdende – og tv-serien anbefales også.

Och slutligen vill jag att du tipsar om en bok som är alldeles underbar!

Never Let Me Go av Kazuo Ishiguro er «underbar», om enn på en litt dystopisk måte. Vakker og mørk på samme tid.

Summarising again

Really, where does the time go? Recent (well, since may…) reads in no particular order (and probably missing a few):

The series that will no longer be named. All in a row. Lovely. I am still pretty happy with the ending, but noticed a few minor inconsistencies along the way this time.

Lessons from the Land of Pork Scratchings by Greg Gutfeld. Abysmal. Didn’t finish it. I’ll be writing more about it at some point, because, really! But, you know, take this as a warning to stay WELL away.

Packaging Girlhood. Quite illuminating. Meant to write more on this, too. Ah well.

Consumer Kids. Followed naturally. Very informative on how kids are not only inundated with ads, but used to advertise to friends and provide market research, quite frequently unknowingly. Should probably be read by every parent.

Tea Time for the Traditionally Built by Alexander McCall Smith. Perfection, as usual.

This Charming Man by Marian Keyes. Keyes back on great form and with a serious theme this time, which she excels at treating.

The Brontes Went to Woolworth by Rachel Ferguson. Reread because I had to take it down to copy out one of my favourite quotes ever:

A woman at one of mother’s parties once said to me, «Do you like reading?» which smote us all to silence, for how could one tell her that books are like having a bath or sleeping, or eating bread – absolute necessities which one never thinks of in terms of appreciation.

Paths of Glory by Jeffrey Archer. As usual Archer spins a pretty – and gripping – tale. However, knowing how it all ends spoiled it a bit for me. Not that I know all that much about Mount Everest climbs and such, but I do know a little, and the prologue reveals what I didn’t. I suppose part of it is knowing it doesn’t end in «they lived happily ever after», which I’m a sucker for and which Archer frequently delivers with aplomb. Still, exceedingly readable.

And that made me realise I’ve forgotten to note reading A Prisoner of Birth, also by Archer, which was REALLY good, just what the doctor ordered, and Archer – to me – at his best. I happen to love courtroom dramas, too, so this had pretty much everything. No idea when I read it, though, so I popped it in here… Probably shortly after the paperback was issued, but I’m not sure.