London – Edward Rutherfurd

london_edward_rutherfurdI’m finally done! And the reason it took so long is really none of Rutherfurd’s fault (well, except in writing such a thick book, though I’ve read worse), but simply because life, really.

Anyway, I liked it. I felt I learned quite a bit, which is nice, though I must admit my head is not made for remembering dates, so I got confused several times and had to search backwards to a page with a date on it. Several people on Goodreads have complained that since it spans such a lot of time and events there is no time to get to know the characters, but I found that to be a minor problem – and I do tend to dislike being rushed on to a new set of characters just when I’ve gotten interested in the present set. This is why I’m not a major fan of short-stories. But Rutherfurd’s trick is to stick to a few families, and to give them somewhat hereditary traits – not just physical, but also of temperament – so that one the whole you can tell from the name of a character whether he/she will be a «hero», a «villain» or someone bumbling but generally well-meaning for example. Well, towards the end the families intermarry and intermingle and it all gets somewhat complicated, but by then I was hooked anyway, and there was still a sense of «I will root for you since your grandfather was so nice» or perhaps «I will root for you since your father was so shitty».

I had one small, but niggling quarrel with the book, though. I may have mentioned that I’ve learnt pretty much all the history I know from novels, which makes this a perfect fit. And more than anything, I love the little daily-life details. The «how a Roman forged coins», for example. Interesting stuff, I tell you. But I need to trust the author, I need to believe he (or she) knows what he (or she) is talking about. And therefore passages such as this one throws me:

But Dame Barnikel was happiest of all when she was brewing ale, and sometimes she would let young Ducket watch her. Having bought the malt – «it’s dried barley,» she explained – from the quays, she would mill it up in the little brewhouse loft. The crushed malt would fall into a great vat which she topped up with water from a huge copper kettle. After germinating, this brew was cooled in throughs, before being poured into another vat.

(Page 524) Except barley (or any grain) won’t germinate after it’s been milled. In fact, «malt» isn’t dried barley, it’s barley that has germinated and is then dried, and there is a crucial difference. «Dried barley» is just a grain whereas the germination means the «malt» is bursting with sugars which is what the yeast later feeds on in the process that actually makes alchohol. What happens after you mill is quite rightly that you add hot water to the «coarse flour» (called «grist»), but that water is meant to extract the sugars (and partly set off enzymes that convert even more of the starches into sugars to be extracted, if you want to get really technical) in a process called mashing.

And I know it’s a very, very small detail and not at all important to the story, but it grates, and it makes me wonder where else he’s tripped up and which details I now think I’ve learnt turn out to be less than accurate.

But let’s return to happier thoughts, because I really did like the book, and end with a quote which is really a much better representation of Rutherfurd’s skill:

And so with confidence he could give his children these two important lessons: «Be loyal to the king.» And perhaps profounder still: «It seems that God has chosen us. Be humble.»

By which, of course, he really meant: be proud.

(Page 787)

London – Tor Åge Bringsværd

london_bringsværdNå har jeg i alle fall lest den ene London-boka. Siste halvpart av Rutherfurd får bli med på turen (ja, jeg har begått bokmord, jeg har splittet den tjukke paperback’en i to med papirkniv). Men Bringsværd hadde jeg jo lånt på biblioteket, så han får bli igjen hjemme (hel og fin).

Det var et hyggelig gjensyn. Dette er ikke en reiseguide, akkurat, selv om du sikkert kan legge opp en tur helt og holdent etter Bringsværds anbefalinger. Her er anekdoter, pubanbefalinger og historieforelesninger i et herlig sammensurium, akkurat slik jeg liker det. Og nå GLEDER jeg meg til å sitte på pub i London og bare være der. Ok, det gledet jeg meg vel til uansett, men jeg gleder meg enda mer nå. Kanskje kommer jeg til å føle at Tor Åge Bringsværd er med meg i ånden, så kan vi prate litt om Brumm og om Themsen og slikt mens vi sitter der. Det blir bra.

En dag her i Kew Gardens er en glitrende avkobling – selv for dem som ikke tror de er interessert i hager … for det å sitte ved et utebord ved Pavillion Restaurant (avmerket med nr 31 på gratiskartet du får ved inngangen), drikke kaffe eller hva vet vel jeg, se barn som leker på gresset under skyggefulle trær – og innimellom la øynene hvile på en gigantisk kinesisk pagode som ikke har noen som helst dypere mening, men bare er satt der fordi det passet seg slik … jeg mener, mye kan man si om en slik dag, men bortkastet er den i hvert fall ikke!

(s. 259)

Well, it’s good to have plans

I guess.

In two weeks we’re going to London. This, of course, is worthy of a big squeeeeeeeee.

The main purpose of the visit is for the lass to get to ride on the top deck of a double decker bus. As good a reason as any for going to London, methinks. No?

I am also looking forward to a ride or two on a routemaster. And to showing the lass London in all its glory. Or fogginess, perhaps, it will be February after all. So to prepare we have been searching for books to read her, knowing from experience (namely Copenhagen and Karsten og Petra i København) that anything you recognise from a book is more fun than anything you don’t. The pickings are meagre, but we have a children’s guide to London and an I Spy London, which are both excellent for having lots of pictures, and a Paddington in London picture book, which is charming, but not really very fit for the purpose. However, I just ordered Katie in London from Adlibris, which looks very promising.

So I got to thinking perhaps I, too, should read something Londonish? So I went to look for Bringsværd’s London book on the shelf, but alas, it is not there. I have no idea where it has gone! Disaster! I solved the immediate problem by getting it out from the library, but seriously: Where is our copy? The library also furnished me with Doktor Proktor og det store gullrøveriet, which is partly set in London. Or so the librarian told me.  She suggested it for the lass, but we haven’t read the first Doktor Proktor books for her yet, so I think it will have to wait. I might read it myself, though, since I have read the others.

And from our own shelves: London by Edward Rutherfurd. So there is that.

Three books then. I started Rutherfurd, and it is good. It is also almost 1300 pages, so in order to finish it by the time we leave I have to read an average of 100 pages a day or so. So far I’ve been averaging 30 or so. So much to do, so little time. Not looking too good, in other words. I can do it if I don’t do anything else (like finishing the 2012 photo book which I’m working on and which will be a late Christmas present for the grandparents – as well as for ourselves, but I suppose it could wait). We’ll see.

But, anyway: London!


Go Tell it on the Mountain – James Baldwin

Phew. Done. Now, perhaps I can stop humming that bl**dy song every waking hour.


Go Tell it on the Mountain was picked as this month’s read for our bookclub by the simple expedient of pointing randomly into the shelves at Krambua* which are furnished with second-hand books. Not a bad result, really, it could probably have been much, much worse (I wasn’t at that meeting, so I don’t know what else is on those shelves, but I’ll check next time).

It’s James Baldwin’s first novel, and a good read. The quotes on my copy says he knows the Harlem language, which I have no reason to doubt. It’s almost always easier to point out what I don’t like about a book than what I do, so excuse me if this is a bit lopsided, but here goes: For one thing, I had a hard time keeping apart the events happening in Harlem and the events happening in «the south». The first setting is immensly urban, the second, as far as I can tell, is supposed to be rural. The pictures in my head, though, were mostly a sort of mix-up with a bit of spagetti western clap-board towns thrown in for good measure. The latter I take full responsibility for, but I feel Baldwin has to shoulder some of the blame for not making the settings distinct enough. Though it could be argued that he was doing it on purpose to show that nothing really changes and you can take the boy out of x, but never the x out of the boy or something. That would not sit well with the blurb on my copy claiming Baldwin deals with the old generation versus the new generation and the change in values, however Balwin can’t be blamed for the blurb, and I think the blurb-writer was a bit off in any case, it seems to me the old generation and the new have a lot in common and it’s down to individuals to make change. So there is that. The second quarrel I had is that I felt the novel ended somewhat prematurely. Perhaps I just didn’t understand it, but, well, I sort of wanted a bit MORE to happen. Like some of this change, which is in the air the whole way through, but which doesn’t really materialise.

Still and all, I gave it four out of five stars on Goodreads.

And I’m ticking off all sorts of things: A new to me author makes it the first book in my Boktolva, and surely, surely it can be called a classic? Well, it’s a 1001 book, so I call it a classic. And I guess I’m a bit early for black history month, but it seems a fitting read to celebrate the second inauguration of Barack Hussein Obama (who I have great hopes for now that he doesn’t need to worry about reelection).

The Sandman: Season of Mists and A Game of You – Neil Gaiman

I’ve had The Sandman on my wishlist for a while, and got some for Christmas 2011 (which I read at the beginning of 2012, but neglected to blog about) and two for Christmas 2012. However, I had to exchange one because I goofed, I put vol. 3 onwards on my wishlist, but I already had 3. Luckily, Outland were nice about it and let me exchange vol. 3 for vol. 5, so I have now just finished vol. 4 Season of Mists and vol. 5 A Game of You.

Every volume I have read so far is beautiful in its own way. The cast of characters, both the recurring ones and the ones who appear in only one storyline, are by turns electrifying, charming, terrifying and lovable, but always fascinating. The themes are far-reaching and open ended, leaving more questions than they answer. Gaiman borrows lavishly from pretty much every mythology, and puts his loot to good use.

And on top of that the illustrators do their job beautifully throughout.

In Season of Mists, Dream of the Endless accidentally (sort of) aquires the key to hell, and much chaos ensues while he tries to figure out what to do with it. Along the way we get chilling images of boarding school life as well as philosophical musings on the role of hell and humankind’s need for punishment.


A Game of You appeals to me even more, with its captivating set of somewhat lost humans getting involved in something far beyond their conscious imaginings.

It’s hard to say much more without spoilers, I find. I’ll leave it there.

100 klassikere

Lyran utfordrer oss til å lese klassikere fram mot april, og jeg har noen på hyllen jeg skulle ha vært gjennom, så jeg slenger meg med, forsøksvis. I den anledning må jeg selvsagt også gå gjennom listen hennes med 100 klassikere, og se hvor mange av nettopp de jeg har vært gjennom…

Fetstila titel + författare om du läst boken
Om du inte läst just den boken men annat av författaren – fetstila författaren
Kursivera de titlar du vill läsa
Stryk över de du inte vill läsa, eller markera dem med rött
* efter boken betyder att du aldrig hört talas om boken/författaren
+ efter boken betyder att du äger den
x efter boken betyder att du påbörjat men inte läst ut den

1. Chinua Achebe: Allt går sönder
2. Carl Jonas Love Almqvist: Drottningens juvelsmycke *
3. Isabel Allende: Andarnas hus
4. Martin Andersen Nexö: Ditte människobarn
5. Stina Aronson: Hitom himlen *
6. Jane Austen: Stolthet och fördom +
7. Honoré de Balzac: Pappa Goriot x
8. Charles Baudelaire: Ondskans blommor +
9. Samuel Beckett: I väntan på Godot +
10. Harriet Beecher Stowe: Onkel Toms stuga
11. Victoria Benedictsson: Fru Marianne *
12. Frans G. Bengtsson: Röde Orm *
13. Hjalmar Bergman: Markurells i Wadköping *
14. Giovanni Boccaccio: Decamerone +
15. Karin Boye: Kallocain
16. Bertholt Brecht: Mor Courage och hennes barn
17. Fredrika Bremer: Hertha *
18. Anne Brontë: Agnes Grey +
19. Charlotte Brontë: Jane Eyre +
20. Emily Brontë: Svindlande höjder +
21. Mikhail Bulgakov: Mästaren och Margarita
22. Italo Calvino: Om en vinternatt en resande
23. Albert Camus: Främlingen
24. Cao Xueqin: Drömmar om röda gemak
25. Cervantes: Don Quijote
26. Joseph Conrad: Mörkrets hjärta +
27. Dante Alighieri: Den gudomliga komedin +
28. Daniel Defoe: Robinson Crusoe +
29. Charles Dickens: Oliver Twist x
30. Fjodor Dostojevskij: Brott och straff
31. Alexandre Dumas d ä: De tre musketörerna
32. Marguerite Duras: Älskaren
33. T S Eliot: Det öde landet
34. Euripides: Medea
35. William Faulkner: Absalom, Absalom
36. F Scott Fitzgerald: Den store Gatsby
37. Gustave Flaubert: Madame Bovary
38. Flygare-Carlén, Emilie: Rosen på Tistelön *
39. Per Anders Fogelström: Stockholms-serien
40. Gabriel García Márquez: Hundra år av ensamhet
41. André Gide: Den omoraliske
42. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Den unge Werthers lidanden +
43. Maksim Gorkij: Min barndom
44. Graham Greene: Brighton Rock
45. Knut Hamsun: Markens gröda
46. Jaroslav Hasek: Den tappre soldaten Svejk
47. Joseph Heller: Moment 22 x
48. Ernest Hemingway: Den gamle och havet
49. Hermann Hesse: Stäppvargen
50. Homeros: Odysséen
51. Henrik Ibsen: Et dukkehjem
52. Eyvind Johnson: Strändernas svall *
53. James Joyce: Ulysses
54. Franz Kafka: Processen
55. Yasar Kemal: Låt tistlarna brinna! +
56. Kleve, Stella (Malling, Mathilda): Bertha Funke
57. Pär Lagerkvist: Barabbas
58. Selma Lagerlöf: Kejsarn av Portugallien +
59. Lidman, Sara: Lifsens rot
60. Väinö Linna: Okänd soldat
61. Ivar Lo-Johansson: Kungsgatan
62. Thomas Mann: Huset Buddenbrook
63. Harry Martinson: Nässlorna blomma
64. Moa Martinson: Kvinnor och äppelträd
65. Vilhelm Moberg: Utvandrar-serien
66. Molière: Tartuffe
67. Elsa Morante: Historien
68. Morrison, Toni: Älskade
69. Vladimir Nabokov: Lolita
70. George Orwell: 1984 x
71. Boris Pasternak: Doktor Zjivago
72. Francesco Petrarca: Kärleksdikter
73. Marcel Proust: På spaning efter den tid som flytt (Combray)
74. Erich Maria Remarque: På Västfronten intet nytt
75. J. D. Salinger: Räddaren i nöden
76. Cora Sandel: Alberte-serien
77. Sapfo: Dikter och fragment
78. William Shakespeare: Macbeth
79. Mary Shelley: Frankenstein
80. Sofokles: Konung Oidipus
81. Solzjenitsyn: En dag i Ivan Denisovitjs liv
82. John Steinbeck: Vredens druvor x
83. Stendhal: Rött och svart
84. Bram Stoker: Dracula
85. Robert Louis Stevenson: Dr Jekyll och Mr Hyde
86. August Strindberg: Röda rummet +
87. Snorre Sturlasson (?): Egil Skallagrimssons saga +
88. Jonathan Swift: Gullivers resor
89. Hjalmar Söderberg: Den allvarsamma leken
90. Anton Tjechov: Damen med hunden
91. Lev Tolstoj: Anna Karenina
92. Mark Twain: Huckleberry Finn +
93. Sigrid Undset: Kristin Lavransdotter
94. Jules Verne: Jorden runt på 80 dagar
95. Voltaire: Candide
96. Oscar Wilde: Dorian Grays porträtt +
97. Woolf, Virginia: Mot fyren +
98. Wägner, Elin: Pennskaftet *
99. William Butler Yeats: Tornet
100. Émile Zola: Thérèse Raquin

30 bøker og 42 forfattere. Ikke ille, men det kan jo bli bedre.

Boktolva 2013

boktolva2013I et par år har jeg fulgt med på enligt O sin boktolva, og når hun nå setter i gang med en ny runde i 2013 slenger jeg meg med. Det passer bra, for jeg har mange hyllevarmere som er skrevet av forfattere jeg har lyst til å lese, men ikke har lest ennå, og jeg har en aldri så liten, vel, ikke kjøpestopp, men kjøpebrems i 2013. Her er tolv av hyllevarmerene:

  • Will Self
  • John Green
  • Catherynne M. Valente
  • Sara Granér
  • Stefan Merrill Block
  • Frode Grytten
  • Monica Fagerholm
  • Frank Herbert
  • Anna Fredriksson
  • Sofi Oksanen
  • André Gide
  • Jonathan Franzen

Men jeg lover ikke at det blir akkurat disse tolv jeg leser…

Eon: Syvende mor i bedehuset – Lars Lauvik

eon_7Dette var julegave fra meg til mannen. Vi hadde ønsket oss bok 8 (men fikk den ikke), men kom på at vi manglet sju også, så da kjøpte jeg den like gjerne.

Jeg vakler stadig i forhold til spørsmålet om hvilke som er mine favorittserier blant de nye norske tegneseriene. Nemi vinner, men Pondus, M og Eon er alle utrolig gode og Kollektivet, Rex Rudi og Lunch puster dem i nakken. Lauvik har hatt noen fantastisk fine juleheftehistorier, og en av dem er gjengitt i denne boken, noe som trekker opp. Ellers er det en del harselering med konspirasjonsteoretikere som jeg finner særdeles fornøyelig, spesielt side jeg har lest en del om slikt i år (blant annet hos Tjomlid).

Anbefales, men kanskje ikke som en intro til Eon-universet, det hjelper å vite hvem som er hvem fra før (det er ikke negativt, altså, jeg ville uansett alltid anbefale å starte med første bind i en serie).

Books read 2012

  • 100 % fett – Liv Strömquist (28.12)
  • Pondus: 11 i hatten – Frode Øverli (26.12)
  • The Night Before Christmas – Scarlett Bailey (26.12)
  • The Possesed – Elif Batuman (20.12)
  • Heart of Darkness – Joseph Conrad (03.12 – reread)
  • The Casual Vacancy – J. K. Rowling (01.12)
  • Lille Ingrid og store Ingrid – Annik Saxegaard (24.11)
  • Hitta vilse – Carin Hjulström (22.11)
  • Charliblogg – Eldrid Johansen (06.11)
  • Nattsyn – Max Estes (05.11)
  • Moranthology – Caitlin Moran (05.11)
  • 100 år – Herbjørg Wassmo (22.10)
  • Slightly Chipped – Lawrence and Nancy Goldstone (15.10 – reread)
  • Used and Rare – Lawrence and Nancy Goldstone (12.10 – reread)
  • Lyse utsikter – Marie-Sabine Roger (30.09)
  • Candle for a Corpse – Ann Granger (26.09)
  • The White Dragon – Anne McCaffrey (20.09 – reread)
  • Dragondrums – Anne McCaffrey (13.09 – reread)
  • Dragonsinger – Anne McCaffrey (12.09 – reread)
  • Dragonsong – Anne McCaffrey (10.09 – reread)
  • Finns inte på kartan – Carin Hjulström (08.09)
  • Coraline – Neil Gaiman (30.08)
  • Made in America – Bill Bryson (28.08)
  • Abandoned on page 35: Ghost Light – Joseph O’Connor (27.08)
  • The 2 1/2 Pillars of Wisdom – Alexander McCall Smith (26.08 – reread)
  • The Great Escape – Monty Halls (23.08)
  • Made in America – Bill Bryson (19.08)
  • Allahs tårer – Rikard Spets (18.08)
  • Honningkrukken – Gert Nygårdshaug (12.08)
  • The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency – Alexander McCall Smith (12.08 – reread)
  • Once Upon a River – Mary Jo Campbell (10.08)
  • In the Midst of Life – Jennifer Worth
  • Hark! A Vagrant – Kate Beaton
  • Farewell to the East End – Jennifer Worth
  • Shadows of the Workhouse – Jennifer Worth
  • Not Buying It – Judith Levine (21.07)
  • How to be a Woman – Caitlin Morgan (17.07)
  • Bertie Plays the Blues – Alexander McCall Smith (12.07)
  • The Woman Who Died a Lot – Jasper Fforde (10.07)
  • Mud, Sweat and Gears – Ellie Bennett (05.07)
  • To Hull and Back – Tom Chesshyre (01.07)
  • A Truth Universally Acknowledged – Susannah Carson (ed.) (22.06)
  • Drabant – Øyvind Holen & Mikael Noguchi (15.06)
  • Mansfield Park – Jane Austen (20.06 – reread)
  • Fallteknikk – Inga Sætre (27.05)
  • Vi håller på med en viktig grei (26.05)
  • Här ligger jag och blöder (26.05)
  • The Limpopo Academy of Private Detection – Alexander McCall Smith (20.05)
  • Hockeysveis fører til dårlige rim – Siv Wyller (19.05)
  • Hoppsan! Jag är död – Aarto Paasilinna (16.05)
  • Universets engler – Einar (15.05 – reread)
  • Ja til Liv! – Liv Strömquist (12.05)
  • Prins Charles Känsla – Liv Strömquist (10.05)
  • Pudder? Pudder! – Tor Åge Bringsværd (07.05)
  • Verdensredderne – Simon Stranger (26.04)
  • Ikke forlat meg – Stig Sæterbakken (17.04)
  • Jo fortere jeg går, jo mindre er jeg – Skomsvoll
  • The Library Book
  • Outside of a Dog – Rick Gekoski (08.04)
  • Dash and Lily’s Book of Dares (05.04)
  • De beste blant oss – Helene Uri (29.03)
  • The Forgotten Affairs of Youth – Alexander McCall Smith (21.03)
  • The Charming Quirks of Others – (15.03)
  • Last Chance to See – Douglas Adams & Mark Cawardine (13.03 – reread)
  • The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul – Douglas Adams (09.03 – reread)
  • Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency – Douglas Adams (05.03 – reread)
  • Mostly Harmless – Douglas Adams (03.03 – reread)
  • So Long and Thanks for All the Fish – Douglas Adams (29.02 – reread)
  • Life, the Universe and Everything – Douglas Adams (27.02 – reread)
  • The Restaurant at the End of the Universe – Douglas Adams (26.02 – reread)
  • The Hitch-Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy – Douglas Adams (25.02 – reread)
  • Biler og Dyr – Helle Helle (22.02)
  • Tegn – Anne Ch. Østby (19.02)
  • Mercury Falls – Robert Kroese (20.02)
  • Cinderella Ate My Daughter – (18.02)
  • Sandman vol. 1, 2 & 3 – Neil Gaiman (12.02)
  • En komikers uppväxt – Jonas Gardell (09.02)
  • Var det det det var – Linde Hagerup (05.02)
  • Mats kamp – Mats Johansson
  • Adventures on the High Teas – Stuart Maconie ()
  • Annalisas dagbok – Mariangela Cacace (23.01)
  • A Winter in Ravensdale – Kate Fielding (16.01)
  • Hey Princess – Mats Johansson
  • Persuasion – Jane Austen (17.01 – reread)
  • Hey Dolly – Amanda Svensson

The Night Before Christmas – Scarlett Bailey

baileyI felt like a light read around the holidays, preferably one with a little holiday cheer thrown in, and when I read about Scarlett Bailey’s The Night Before Christmas on some blog or other (I really need to get better at noting down WHERE I find these tips) it seemed like the perfect sort of thing.

And it would have been too, except for my «I don’t really read chiclit anymore» hang-up.

Because it is chicklit. Not that there is anything wrong with that, per se, but well, I don’t know.

However, this is a perfectly charming book, as these things go. The Christmas cheer is present and correct, the tangled love-life of Lydia, our heroine, just as complicated as it needs to be to fill a couple of hundred pages, and the plot is not utterly predictable. So I did read it all the way through, and rather enjoyed it, too.

Though next year I think I’ll just reread Comfort and Joy. Which is probably chicklit, too, but it has that little something extra that makes it worth reading and rereading.