A Christmas Carol – Charles Dickens

We had a shorter than normal gap between two reading circle meetings before Christmas, and so we opted for reading some Christmas stories rather than a novel. The longest was A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, my suggestion. The story, of course, is well known to us all, I don’t know how many versions of it I’ve read or seen on screen, however, I have never actually read the original story.

I’m not a Dickens fan. I’ve never managed to finish any of the novels, or even get very far into them (I’ve read around half of Oliver Twist, other than that my record is probably twenty or so pages). I think my main problem is that he was paid per inch, so there is too much filler. Emminently written and beautifully described filler, but filler none the less. When he spends two pages describing a fairly minor character who comes into a room I lose interest, I’m afraid.

But A Christmas Carol is something else. It gives no impression of uneccessary verbosity, and in consequence it is quite beautiful.

“Bah!” said Scrooge, “Humbug!” He had so heated himself with rapid walking in the fog and frost, this nephew of Scrooge’s, that he was all in a glow; his face was ruddy and handsome; his eyes sparkled, and his breath smoked again. “Christmas a humbug, uncle!” said Scrooge’s nephew. “You don’t mean that, I am sure?” “I do,” said Scrooge. “Merry Christmas! What right have you to be merry? What reason have you to be merry? You’re poor enough.” “Come, then,” returned the nephew gaily. “What right have you to be dismal? What reason have you to be morose? You’re rich enough.” Scrooge having no better answer ready on the spur of the moment, said, “Bah!” again; and followed it up with “Humbug.”

Bah, humbug, indeed.

Somewhat unfairly, the story suffers slightly from having become a cliché, though since most versions take liberties, there is something to be said for giving the original its due attention. And language-wise it can’t be bettered.

Rivers of London – Ben Aaronovitch

Rivers_of_LondonRivers of London has been on my list for a while, not least because the husband has read and enjoyed all four of the PC Peter Grant books that have been published so far, and thus they have been available to me for a while. Towards the end of last week I found myself unenthused with the books I’d been planning to read during Bout of books, and someone, somewhere mentioned Aaronovitch, and it occurred to me that as we are going to London in just a few weeks, this might just be the perfect time to read them.

In one way it certainly was, Aaronvitch has his story firmly grounded in place and reading this without imminent plans of visiting the city would be frustrating, to say the least.

In Rivers of London PC Peter Grant is coming to the end of his probationary period and is hoping to be assigned to real detective work. His friend, and crush, Lesley May is at the same point in her career. The wikipedia entry sums up their superior officers’ view of the two neatly: Lesley is «expected to go far», Peter is «expected to do paperwork». That is, until they are on watch to guard a murder scene from the general public, and while Lesley pops off to buy coffee and Peter meets a ghost who claims to have witnessed the murder. When their assignments are handed out, Peter finds himself assigned to a generally studiously ignored branch of the Met, the section that deals with magic and the supernatural. His superior officer, Detective Chief Inspector Thomas Nightingale has been the sole employee of this section, and Peter finds himself sworn in as the first apprentice wizard in fifty years, and lodged in The Folly, the section’s headquarters, which is clearly dimensioned for a rather larger contingent.

There follows a tale of riotous rebellion and magic, where Peter finds himself trying to solve two very different «cases». One is the murder that starts the book off and those that follow in a grisly, yet inventive, serial killing spree, the other is a conflict between Mother and Father Thames, the river gods, and their children (the tributaries) and entourage.

Aaronvitch draws on history, mythology and folklore, picking both famous and obscure pieces and sewing them neatly together to form a coherent whole which spellbinds the reader (well, this reader, anyway). There are explicit, if ironic, echoes of Dr Who (which Aaronvitch has written for) and Harry Potter, but I was also reminded of Neil Gaiman’s Neverwhere and of Jasper Fforde’s novels, the latter especially in the way Aaronvitch’s minor characters all beg for a google search. Take Isis, also known as Anna Maria de Burgh Coppinger, wife of Father Thames’ son Oxley: Google her, and you find that there is probably at least another novel there, just in her life story. I love this stuff. And then you have the famous dudes:

Beyond the booth, flanked by two neoclassical pillars, was a marble statue of a man dressed in an academic gown and breeches. He cradled a mighty tome in one arm and a sextant in the other. His square face held an expression of implacable curiosity, and I knew his name even before I saw the plinth, which read: Nature and nature’s laws lay hid in night; God said ‘Let Newton be’ and all was light. Nightingale was waiting for me by the statue. ‘Welcome to the Folly,’ he said, ‘the official home of English magic since 1775.’ ‘And your patron saint is Sir Isaac Newton?’ I asked. Nightingale grinned. ‘He was our founder, and the first man to systemise the practice of magic.’ ‘I was taught that he invented modern science,’ I said. ‘He did both,’ said Nightingale. ‘That’s the nature of genius.’

The inclusion of Newton is another thing I like about Aaronvitch’s universe, though magic is magic Peter takes the scientific approach, and the answers he comes up with seem to confirm his instincts; even magic depends on physical laws.

I like Peter Grant. He’s a good guy, and may even have the makings of a good cop, even if he is too easily distracted. I like Lesley May, too, and I especially like how Peter and Lesley are portrayed as friends. Even if there is an element of «this might progress to more than friends at some point», you still get the feeling that they are friends first and foremost and that they will remain so whether progression happens or not.

Then there’s the language, and the linguistic relation to time and place:

Neither of us could face the horrors of the kitchenette that morning, so we found shelter in the station canteen. Despite the fact that the catering staff were a mixture of compact Polish women and skinny Somali men, a strange kind of institutional inertia meant that the food was classic English greasy spoon, the coffee was bad and the tea was hot, sweet and came in mugs.

There’s plenty for a hopeless anglophile to «squee» about, there is wit and dry humour and there is, occasionally, something akin to slapstick. There are blink-and-you-miss-them cultural references by the score.

Would it kill us to have an official branch of government that handled the supernatural?’ ‘A Ministry of Magic?’ I asked. ‘Ha-bloody-ha,’ said Tyburn.

Where the novel falls short is in emotional engagement. Yes, I like Peter, and I certainly root for him, and I am gripped to the point of considering sneaking off to a quiet corner at work to polish off the last 50 or so pages when the bus ride yesterday morning proved too short for the task. However, the perfect book is the book that puts me in the emotional quandry of wanting to get to the end to see what happens but also wanting the book to last forever. Rivers of London fullfills the first, but not the second. I will allow that there is a chance that I will feel differently at the end of book four, when the prospect of having to wait for another installment starts looming large. I’ll get back to you on that. I’ve already started on book two.

Aaronovitch has a blog: Temporarily Significant, and there is also a website for the series: The Folly.


Så vidt jeg kan se har ingen norske forlag (eller svenske, for den saks skyld) grepet fatt i Ben Aaronvitchs bøker. Det er synd, for selv om en forkjærlighet for London og Britisk humor, historie og mytologi sannsynligvis er et pluss for lesere av disse bøkene er det jo ikke slik at sånne preferanser nødvendigvis følges av engelskkunnskaper gode nok til å lese firehundresiders romaner i orginal. Oppfordringen er klar: Oversett disse!

Bokbloggerprisen 2013: Kommentarer til langlisten

Langlisten til Bokbloggerprisen 2013 er offentliggjort og jeg kan fornøyd konstatere at begge mine nominasjoner er med på den. Listen finner du på Norske bokbloggerebloggen (meta!), Knirk har litt statistikk rundt antallet nominasjoner og Line har mer om prosessen rundt (ikke minst komitéens neglebiting…) og de enkelte bøkene.

Jeg leste flere norske bøker utgitt i 2013 enn jeg noensinne tidligere har lest norske bøker samme år som de ble utgitt, muligens med unntak av et år eller to i nærradio i Trondheim på nittitallet. Og flere av dem var gode kandidater til prisen. Men når jeg satt meg ned for å skrive nominasjonsepost bestemte jeg meg for å nøye meg med to nominasjoner, en i hver klasse, nemlig de to suverent beste bøkene jeg leste på norsk i fjor (og blant de beste i fjor uavhengig av språk).

I klassen «Roman» nominerte jeg Roy Jacobsens De usynlige, og i «Åpen klasse» Siri Pettersens Odinsbarn. Om du har fulgt med på bloggen og lest innleggene mine i kategorien Bokbloggerprisen 2013 burde ingen av de to være noen overraskelse. Det skal forresten bemerkes at jeg heier såpass på sistnevnte at om forlaget hadde klassifisert den rett, altså som roman, ikke som ungdomsbok, hadde jeg muligens droppet Roy Jacobsen og i alle fall satt Odinsbarn som nummer en på lista (nominasjonene skulle vektes ut fra rangering, visstnok). Samtidig er jeg ganske fornøyd med at Lisa Aisatos Fugl også er på langlista i åpen klasse, jeg har ikke kommet så langt som til å blogge om den enda, men det er en veldig underfundig barnebok med (som vanlig fra den kanten) fantastiske illustrasjoner.

Ellers har jeg ikke lest noen av de andre fra langlista, faktisk, så jeg skal i alle fall satse på å bli med på samlesinga av kortlista, ellers blir det vanskelig å stemme i august. Det er vel bare en eneste bok på listene jeg ikke egentlig har lyst til å lese, jeg får vurdere det om den havner på kortlista (og, nei, jeg har ikke tenkt å si hvilken akkurat nå).

Spennet i åpen klasse er bra, vil jeg si. I romanklassen er det mye bestselgere, det er på sett og vis litt skuffende, men ikke så overraskende, akkurat (og ut fra egen nominasjon kan jeg vel ikke klage…). Og jeg er heller ikke av typen som mener at bestselgere nødvendigvis er dårlige, selv om de heller ikke nødvendigvis er bra, så kanskje dette er de beste av bestselgerne? Vi kan jo håpe på det.

Vindeltorn er diskvalifisert fra kåringen på grunn av at den først er utgitt på engelsk, og jeg behøver derfor ikke å ha dårlig samvittighet for å ha droppet den fra nominasjonene mine (siden jeg leste den på engelsk ville det falt meg svært unaturlig å inkludere den). Utover den kunne jeg vurdert både Leksikon om lengsel og Furuset (ikke blogget ennå) i romanklassen, men begge manglet litt på å nå helt opp hos meg, derfor droppet jeg dem altså.

The Twistrose Key – Tone Almhjell

twistroseThe US launch of The Twistrose Key by Tone Almhjell caused headlines in Norway: A Norwegian writer whose first novel is being published in the US before it is published here in Norway? Sensational! See Dagbladet for an example.

I was curious, of course, so I put in an order for the book. I started it briefly on Sunday, and then picked it up again on Monday. At some point in the evening, just at the time I would normally have started to head for bed, I realised I’d read one chapter too far, and that there was no hope of putting the book down again before I was done. This was on page 228, consider yourself warned. Just past midnight I Tweeted: «Just finished The Twistrose Key by @tonealmhjell. It seems I will need to write yet another rather enthusiastic blog post. #goodbook«. And then I went to bed.

The Twistrose Key reminded me of several of the fantasy novels I read and loved as a child: The Chronicles of Narnia, of course (what with the talking animals, the influence is quite obvious), Susan Coopers The Dark is Rising series and a Norwegian series by Bente Lohne which starts with the book Julias reise, to mention the most obvious candidates. Reminded me, yes, but in a good way. This is not a derivative book, the idea is original (well, as original as ideas are), even if it does involve a child walking through a portal into another world where time moves at a different speed and animals can talk. I wish it had been around in the mid-eighties when I inhaled this kind of book, I would have loved it unconditionally (I still do, but not with the fervour of my ten-year-old self).

Our heroine, Lin, has moved from her childhood paradise, Summerhill, to a rickety old house in Oldtown because of her mother’s work. She misses her friend Niklas, she misses the countryside with snowfights and she misses their troll-hunting games. Moreover, her pet vole, Rufus, has recently died. Then an odd package shows up, containing two keys, one that fits the cellar door of their rented house, and a large, old-fashioned one that looks a bit like a rose, with the word «Twistrose» engraved on it, a name Lin thought she had invented herself, the code name she would use in the troll hunt, but which she has not yet shared with anyone. So, like a good heroine, she descends to the basement and finds the keyhole (which is not really a key hole) for the twistrose key, and that opens the portal to Sylver.

In Sylver there is snow, and plenty of it, but there is also Rufus, now tall as a man and able to speak. He explains that Sylver is where all pets that have ever been loved by a child come when they die, but there is a problem, and Lin is here to help them. And so the adventure begins.

There are many reasons to love The Twistrose Key, the relationship between Lin and Rufus is one of them. They really are best friends, and I love Rufus’ dry humour, evident at the first meeting:

«Rufus! How? I mean, you’re so… You’re so…»
«Handsome?» He grinned. «Eloquent? Alive?»

(Page 21.) The plotline is pretty perfect, no long stretches of boredom while having things explained at you, little peaks of thrill to keep your interest going and a big show-down at the end. The conflict is, well, I was going to say believeable, but let me say believable withing the context of the world Almhjell has created. The villain to be fought is appropriately villaineous, and the master villain has believable motivations. There is seriousness and darkness here, but not so much that it destroys the joy of the victory (which happened for me with The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making, which I’m afraid I never got around to blog about). And the language is wonderful, with touches of fairytale and ecchoes of Nordic winters, among very many other things. And the book actually has an ending. Not that I don’t hope for more stories from Sylver (I want to read about Rufus and Lin exploring the lands), but it is actually quite nice to have a book that obviously has the potential for a long series but that has no obvious cliff-hangers.

Oh, and I must add a note to say how much I love the vignettes that head each chapter. Drawn by Ian Schoenherr they perfectly capture the mood of the book.

I’m looking foreward to reading The Twistrose Key with the lass in a year or two, when she’ll be the right age for it. And if you have an 8-12-year-old in your life I suggest you read them this book (if you’re allowed) or give it to them to read for themselves. Oh, and though this really is a children’s book (unlike with Odinsbarn, where I do not agree with the publishers on the designation), it is the sort of children’s book that can, and should, be read by adults for their own pleasure.

The Twistrose Key kom på norsk i november 2013 med tittelen Vindeltorn, utgitt på Gyldendal. Bokelskerinnen har et intervju med Tone Almhjell, der hun blant annet forklarer hvordan det har seg at boka først kom ut på engelsk.

Andre bloggere om boka:

Low Moon & andre historier – Jason

jason_low_moonLow Moon & andre historier var også julegave, sammen med Delisle. Jeg har selvsagt lest Jason før, men bare kortere historier publisert i antologier/tegneserieblad. Jeg må vel ærlig innrømme at jeg ikke helt skjønner hva som er så stort med Jason.

Det er to ting som ikke funker for meg. For det første er det for lite tekst. Dette er rent subjektivt, og jeg vet ikke engang om det egentlig er det som er problemet (for jeg liker andre tegneserier med lite eller ingen tekst), men det føles som et problem når jeg leser Jason.

Det andre problemet er et problem for historiene, og det er kanskje også subjektivt, men jeg synes alle i persongalleriet hans er for like. Jeg sliter med å holde dem fra hverandre. Historien forsiden her er hentet fra er et godt eksempel. De to på bildet er hovedpersoner i historien, eller snarere historiene, for det er to parallelle. Men hovedforskjellen på dem visuelt er at han ene har prikker på kinnene, han andre hitlerbart. Det er greit nok når de er i samme rute, men det er rett og slett for lite info når jeg skal forsøke å følge dem som historien utspinner seg, jeg blir sittende og forsøke å huske hvem som er hvem. Dette gjentar seg i flere historier, og gjør at det blir slitsomt å lese.

Når det er sagt er nettopp den historien som omslagsbildet er hentet fra – den heter bare & – den jeg liker best i boka. Den har noe underfundig over seg som får meg til å humre, men den har også dybde.

Likevel, jeg er liksom ikke solgt. Boka havner på pluss-siden på liker<->liker ikke-skalaen, men bare så vidt.

Bout of Books 9.0: Progress


Monday stats: 

Books finished: The Twistrose Key  by Tone Almhjell
Number of pages read: 283 (The Twistrose Key)
Total number of pages read: 283
Total number of books finished: 1
Total number of books blogged about: 0

Tuesday stats: 

Books finished: Storspring by Lars Ove Seljestad and Low Moon og andre historier by Jason
Number of pages read: 216 (Jason) + 66 (Storspring) + 17 (Matilda aloud) + 86 (The Thrift Book) = 385
Total number of pages read: 668
Total number of books finished: 3
Total number of books blogged about: 1

Wednesday stats: 

Books finished: The Thrift Book by India Knight
Number of pages read: 127 (TTB) + 25 (Matilda aloud) + 57 (Vårofferet) =209 (Boo)
Total number of pages read: 877
Total number of books finished: 4
Total number of books blogged about: 1 (need to get on with it!)

Thursday stats: 

Books finished: 0
Number of pages read: 14 (Matilda aloud) + 41 (Nemi) + 49 (Pondus) = 104
Total number of pages read: 981
Total number of books finished: 4
Total number of books blogged about: 1

Friday stats: 

Books finished: 0
Number of pages read: 89 (I’m beginning to realise the 250 average is unrealistic…)
Total number of pages read: 1070
Total number of books finished: 4
Total number of books blogged about: 2

Saturday stats: 

Books finished: 0
Number of pages read: 82
Total number of pages read: 1152
Total number of books finished: 4
Total number of books blogged about: 2

Sunday stats: 

Books finished: 0
Number of pages read: 117
Total number of pages read: 1269
Total number of books finished: 4
Total number of books blogged about: 2

Bout of books challenge: Imaginary shopping spree

Bout of Books Read-a-thon 1/6 -1/12

This challenge comes from Bookish Comforts and the idea is to fill your basket at The Book Depository as if you had $100 to shop for. Not the hardest of tasks. I started with a few titles I’ve mentally noted as «will look for in London» and then added more from my Pinterest board «Books I like the look of» which I use as a reminder board for books I read about on other blogs, mostly.

spree3Tell the Wolves I’m Home has been widely mentioned as a favourite from last year by some of my favourite Swedish bookbloggers. Goodbye for Now sounds intriguing and Whisky from Small Glasses? Well, it’s a whisky book. Gotta have it.

spree2Little Brother because I’ve been meaning to read something by Cory Doctorow for a long time. A Little House Traveler because Laura Ingalls Wilder’s writing is pretty wonderful. Wolven because it sounds like fun.

spree1The Wolves in the Walls showed up when I searched for Tell the Wolves I’m Home and is Gaiman, so that was added on impulse. Here, There be Dragons I meant to save until the series was complete, but whatever. This is Where I Leave You… Well, I’ve been meaning to read Tropper and this one is being made into a film to be released this year, I think, so it fits with one of the points in the Kaosutfording.

spree4And finally We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves because Doctorow reccommended it on Twitter and it sounds readable. That is my only preorder. And the total comes to just under $100. I think I did good.

Burma Chronicles – Guy Delisle

delisleBurma Chronicles by Guy Delisle was a Christmas gift and I read it during the Christmas holidays. Delisle is a Canadian cartoonist and animator, and this is his third (as far as I can gather) travelogue in graphic novel format. Delisle spent a year in Burma (Myanmar) with his wife who works for Doctors Without Borders and his son who was a baby at the time. The book chronicles their stay, the mundane, every-day workings of a household as well as the inevitable politically charged incidents.

Delisles artwork is, well, I was going to say flawless, but that might be stretching it a bit far. Let’s say «very good». The drawing style is deceptively simple, but catches enough detail to set the scene perfectly. Clever techniques are used to excellent effect, such as the trouble of drawing with ink in the rainy season:

delisle_regnHowever, as far as the narrative goes, I have a hard time deciding whether I love it or loathe it. There is, after all, no rule that says that a book from Burma must neccessarily be all about politics and suffering and so on. And to a certain extent some of the best sequences in the book involve Delisle going about his normal activities and accidentally stumbling into something that is loaded with meaning, or even menace, simply because this is Burma and not Canada. However, sometimes the white, male tourist takes over and makes me fundamentally uncomfortable. He keeps wanting to go into the forbidden zones, for example, and seems annoyingly unconcerned about the possible dangers, not only to himself, but to the people he’s with (if he’s caught traveling without a permit, surely that must create difficulties for the organisation his wife works for and those employees that actually need to be there?). And his sole reason for wanting to go seems to be pure curiosity, and smacks of slum tourism. Something which is not helped by panels like this:

delisle_skuffelse«This slum is not slummy enough», basically. He’s unimpressed by the forbidden zone. I’m unimpressed by his attitude.

To a certain extent Delisle’s «living in a priveleged bubble where nothing I do can hurt me»-attitude helps throw into relief some of the atrocities of a dictatorship like Burma, but it fails to work (for me) as often as it does work. So I don’t know.

Bout of Books 9.0: Goals

BoB9.0-200x200Edit: I have a cold that won’t go away (I’ve basically been on-and-off sick for about a month) and my doctor has instructed me to spend the week in bed (well, on the couch, under a duvet), so I’m suddenly facing a lot more potential reading time than I would if I had to show up at work every day. Hence I’m upping my goals a bit, to actually challenge myself.

Time Devoted to Reading

I will be reading every day, aiming for an average of at least 100  250 pages a day.

My Goals

I’d like to finish and blog about at least four eight books, one two of which will be children’s books, to get the reading year of 2014 off to a flying start.

Books to Read


  • The Twistrose Key by Tone Almhjell (started)
  • Himmelbjørnens skog + Som steinen skinner by Britt Karin Larsen (started the first one)
  • Vårofferet by Lars Mytting
  • The Thrift Book by India Knight


  • Rydde ut by Helene Uri
  • The Story of Forgetting by Stephan Merrill Block
  • En kvinnes ferd gjennom India by Elisabeth Meyer

(I’ll add to this list.)

(I’ve used the goal post template on the help page.)



Or is it read a ton? Well, ok, my usual rate of reading (average) is just over a book a week, and I could definitely do with a week of more intensive readfing, so here goes: I’m signing up.

The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, January 6th and runs through Sunday, January 12th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 9.0 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. – From the Bout of Books team

(Discovered via How hollow heart and full.)