A very different sort of travelogue compared with the ones I normally read, Tim Mackintosh-Smith’s Travels with a Tangerine had me variously fascinated, spellbound and laughing out loud. The focus on a world quite foreign to me and also the temporal confusion resulting from the change, or mostly lack thereof, between Ibn Battutah’s time and ours made this a very refreshing read. As a bonus, the author has a wonderfully dry sense of humour and a gift for understatement. Quite definitely one to recommend.
Kategori: Aardwolf – one hit wonders
A Fête Worse than Death – Iain Aitch
How disappointing. I love travel books, and I love travel books about the UK above all, which is why I was looking forward to reading A Fête Worse than Death by Iain Aitch, however, the book was a bit of a disappointment. I’m hard pressed to put my finger on exactly why Aitch’s writing is not engaging. He includes liberal amounts of anecdotes, enough dialogue to please me and visits precisely the sort of events whose description I’d be likely to find interesting. He even travels the way I would, by public transport or by convincing people to give him lifts. And still I continually found my attention drifting. A pity, really.
Harriet the Spy – Louise Fitzhugh
In which we go spying.
The second book borrowed from Theresa was Harriet the Spy by Louise Fitzhugh. I really don’t have a lot to say about this one either. I enjoyed it is praise enough. One thing I wasn’t quite happy with was that the child psychologist seemed to make a point – worth noting, I thought – of how Harriet was less able to concentrate on what was actually happening around her when she was taking notes all the time, and I felt that that point was never really taken up again. But that was really all I had to complain about, and it wasn’t very important at that.
Charlotte’s Web – E.B. White
In which we revert to childhood, briefly.
Theresa forced (ok, so I didn’t exactly protest loudly, I think my response to «You really must borrow..» was «Yes, please!») a couple of American classics on me the last time I visited and I’ve just finished two. The first was Charlotte’s Web, which was sweet and touching and that’s pretty much all I have to say about it.
Waiting for Snow in Havana: Confessions of a Cuban Boy – Carlos Eire
In which we are enchanted in a soberly fashion.
Waiting for Snow in Havana: Confessions of a Cuban Boy had to wait, half-read, on the shelf while I made my way through Hobb and Fforde. This was an unwarranted slight on my part, and I apologise. Eire describes his childhood in Cuba in vivid detail and on occasion you almost feel the sun on your face as you watch him and his brother blow up lizards. From his father – who thinks he is the reincarnation of a French king – to the tiny figure of Castro as he addresses the people, the book invokes a magical – though by no means problem-free – childhood turned upside down because of a revolution.
Small-Town Girl – Claudine Cullimore
In which we become clairvoyant.
Claudine Cullimore’s Small-Town Girl is a pleasant read. There is really not much more to be said about it.
Oh, go on then. It’s got the right mix of romance, friendship, character growth and serves-you-right-ness. The language is flawless, and never intrudes upon the flow of the story with odd springs (whether on purpose or mistakenly). The only negative thing about it is the predictability (I guessed all the major twists of plot way in advance of the «reveal»), but what can you expect?
Perhaps I should have left it at «a pleasant read» after all.
Swahili for the Broken-Hearted – Peter Moore
In which we ramble through Africa.
I picked up Peter Moore’s Swahili for the Broken-Hearted in the aforementioned 3 for 2 sale at Waterstone’s in Brighton, and started it shortly after finishing Fforde back in July. So why haven’t I reviewed before now? Well, things have been happening and book reviews haven’t exactly been my top priority.
Anyway. It’s pretty good. Nothing spectacular, but a decent, mildly entertaining read. I won’t ruch out to buy any more of Moore’s books, but if I come across one of them in another three-for-two sale, I might just buy it.
The Memory of All That – Bryan Forbes
In which we find that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.
The clothes do make a man. I picked The Memory of All That up in a charity shop in Prestwick because I found the cover attractive. That was probably related to me and Linda having spent a lot of time talking about Audrey Hepburn lately.
Well, they do say not to judge a book by it’s cover, and maybe they’re right. This was a very readable novel, no doubt about that, and the main character (who is also the narrator) definitely holds the reader’s attention while the novel lasts. However, once I’d turned the last page yesterday and shut the book, it seemed to fade very quickly from my mind. I can remember the plot all right, it just doesn’t seem to have any significance whatsoever beyond entertainment value for a few hours. I don’t know.
I Capture the Castle – Dodie Smith
In which we wonder: What’s with the realism?
The good ladies at Pemberley have talked so much about I Capture the Castle that when I found it at Waterstone’s 3 for 2 sale, I obviously jumped at the chance to finally read it. I’d like to say I was not disappointed, unfortunately that would not be entirely true.
All they have said about the story is correct. The narrator is captivating. The characters deliciously eccentric and real. The story flows along and drags you ever onwards – it’s not a book you want to put down.
And then it ends. Realistically ambigiously, no doubt about that, but not on the ‘they lived happily ever after’ note that I was hoping for. Hang realism, I like ‘they lived happily ever after’.
If this continues I am going to have to start reading Mills&Boons.
Mrs P’s Journey: The Remarkable Story of the Woman Who Created the A-Z Map – Sarah Hartley
In which we are delighted and annoyed, but mostly annoyed.
I found Mrs P’s Journey: The Remarkable Story of the Woman Who Created the A-Z Map by Sarah Hartley in a charity shop somewhere along the way. I must admit I had never heard of Phyllis Pearsall before, and neither had it really occurred to me that the A-Z is something that must have been «created» at some point – it seems like such a fixture – though on reflection it’s pretty obvious that it hasn’t always been around… This, of course, was motivation enough to make the book an interesting purchase.
«Remarkable story» is right, Phyllis Pearsall was some lady, and her life seems to have contained enough events to fill more than the one little volume this book is. However, I found Hartley’s style increasingly annoying, which did detract a lot from the pleasure of reading about Mrs. P. «Disorganised and haphazard» are words that come to mind. An example: Phyllis is living in Paris, having a hard time making ends meet, she hears of an English-language magazine and thinks «I could write for that», she sits at a table writing an article when she first lays eyes on Vladimir Nabokov, she goes to visit the magazine in question to ask if she may write for them and is told to submit an article which she sits down to do a few days later… The article she is writing when she first sees Nabokov. That is the exact order in which the events are related, and Nabokov is only mentioned in passing to surface again three pages later once the whole visiting-the-magazine-and-settling-down-to-write episode is over.
Maybe I’m easily annoyed. Whatever. I still decided to bring the book home with me once I’d finished rather than leave it, so I guess that means I’m planning on reading it again one day.