Bout of Books Day 1 and 2

Well, I must admit, the numbers are not looking particularly impressive so far.

Day 1 I read the entirety of Alex Rider Point Blanc, a graphic novel the eldest had borrowed from the school library and loved. I can see why she liked it, and I found it entertaining myself, but I am quite clearly not its target market.

Day 2 I read… well, at least 10 pages of a book about millinary. But I did go to a reading circle meeting, so that was a couple of hours of bookish activity, even if it wasn’t technically reading.

Must do better today.

Bout of Books

Even though the reason that I suddenly have a bit of time to read is not such a pleasant one, having time to read sure is. And since the start of my involuntary downtime coincides pretty well with Bout of Books 20, I may as well join.

Bout of Books

The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda Shofner and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, August 21st and runs through Sunday, August 27th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 20 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. – From the Bout of Books team

Om bokbloggerprisen og egen bokblogging

Langlista til Bokbloggerprisen 2016 ble annonsert forrige mandag, og førstkommende mandag, 23. januar klokken 12, får vi vite hvilke seks (tre i hver klasse) som allerede er på kortlisten og som skal samleses fram mot september, og hvilke seks som må kjempe om joker-plassen og ellers er ute av konkurransen.

Jeg nominerte heller ikke i år en eneste roman. Det kommer av at jeg heller ikke har lest en eneste norsk roman utgitt i 2016 ennå. Jeg har selvsagt en ambisjon (det har jeg alltid) om å lese de som kommer på kortlista, men ellers var det egentlig fint lite som fristet blant utgivelsene i fjor, så jeg føler ikke noe savn.

I åpen klasse var jeg mer aktiv og nominerte tre bøker. Av de tre har jeg så langt blogget om nøyaktig null. Det skal jeg prøve å få rettet på, i det aller minste skal jeg få blogget om 60 damer du burde ha møtt, som toppet min nominasjonsliste og som faktisk er med på langlista. Det er jo for dårlig at jeg ikke engang klarer å få skrevet om de bøkene jeg liker godt nok til å nominere. Derfor stemte jeg i når det kom et forslag om at man kanskje strengt tatt burde forvente at folk har blogget om de bøkene de nominerer, om vi nå altså skal kalle oss bokbloggere. For min egen del hadde det ikke vært dumt med et spark bak. Men i et innlegg denne uka, der hun presenterer noen av tallene vi har vært nysgjerrige på rundt listene, kommer Line med et godt argument mot tvang, og jeg erkjenner at hun har helt rett: Noen bøker er lettere å skrive om enn andre, og det ville være synd om det ble slik at den beste måten å havne på kortlista var å skrive en bok vi bloggere synes det er lett å skrive om.

Et annet, og for så vidt utmerket, argument er merarbeidet det ville forårsaket for komiteen, som allerede bruker nok av fritiden sin uten noen form for materiell kompensasjon for at det skal bli både bokbloggertreff og bokbloggerpris. Så da får jeg bare erkjenne at om jeg trenger et spark bak er jeg nødt til å administrere det selv.

Bout of books 18: Day 4-7 stats

Bout of Books 18

Reading’s going well, blogging… not so well. I’ll make this a Bout of Books 18 roundup post.

Thursday: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 164 to 282, 118 pages.

Friday: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 283 to 432 and
Sweet Masterpiece 89-114, 174 pages.

Saturday: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 433 to 517 and
Sweet Masterpiece 115-121, 90 pages.

Sunday: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 518-674, 156 pages.

Which gives a total of pages read this week of 940. I’m happy with that. Only one book finished, but since I happened to be reading the two thickest books in the Harry Potter canon, that is not surprising. I’d have gotten more reading done this weekend if it hadn’t been for the eldest turning ten and family descending for a party and we had to, ahem, tidy and clean a bit in preparation.

Bout of Books 18: Day 3 stats

Bout of Books 18

Busy day yesterday. Still, I managed to squeeze in 86 pages of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Which takes me up to 408 pages so far this week. So, not too shabby.

I didn’t get around to doing the challenge, but I showed off my most excellent new bookmark from Beedoo (Etsy) on Instagram:

This morning I came across Popsugar’s 2017 reading challenge. I printed out the list for this challenge two years ago, but never followed it up. Now I’ve printed out the 2017 list and will glue it into the Bujo along with the Read Harder list. Perhaps that will make it easier to remember. It’s a pretty good mix of quite random things, so it should be fun to try to find books to match.

Bout of Books 18: Day 2 stats

Bout of Books 18

I read 90 pages in (/the rest of) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and got started on Order of the Phoenix with 69 pages. I also read 15 (ebook) pages of Sweet Masterpiece by Connie Shelton. So all in all 174 pages (if you count the ebook pages as normal pages, which for the sake of my sanity I am going to do, if not I’d have to find some way to convert them).

And since I finished a book I got to fill inn the first line of my stats tracker:

Cool, eh? Ok, I may be a little over-enthusiastic about this.

And as actually using the Bujo is one of my goals for 2017 I could use the picture I shared on Instagram yesterday as my challenge entry, too.

Read Harder 2017

Despite never making it past the half-way point of the 2016 challenge, I will attempt the 2017 Bookriot Read Harder challenge. The list of task is just as (if not more) interesting as last year’s, and even if I don’t complete it will be a reminder to read a bit more diversely.

  1. Read a book about sports.
  2. Read a debut novel.
  3. Read a book about books.
  4. Read a book set in Central or South America, written by a Central or South American author.
  5. Read a book by an immigrant or with a central immigration narrative.
  6. Read an all-ages comic.
  7. Read a book published between 1900 and 1950.
  8. Read a travel memoir.
  9. Read a book you’ve read before.
  10. Read a book that is set within 100 miles of your location.
  11. Read a book that is set more than 5000 miles from your location.
  12. Read a fantasy novel.
  13. Read a nonfiction book about technology.
  14. Read a book about war.
  15. Read a YA or middle grade novel by an author who identifies as LGBTQ+.
  16. Read a book that has been banned or frequently challenged in your country.
  17. Read a classic by an author of color.
  18. Read a superhero comic with a female lead.
  19. Read a book in which a character of color goes on a spiritual journey.
  20. Read an LGBTQ+ romance novel.
  21. Read a book published by a micropress.
  22. Read a collection of stories by a woman.
  23. Read a collection of poetry in translation on a theme other than love.
  24. Read a book wherein all point-of-view characters are people of color.

Looking at what I read last year, I’d say 9 and 12 should be the absolute easiest, followed by 2, 6, 8 and 18. The rest I may have to consciously go in search of matches for. Which is, of course, part of the point. We’ll see how it goes.

Bout of Books 18: Day 1 stats

Read pages 398 to 546 in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (so 148 pages). Decided on the spur of the moment late Monday evening to sign up for Bout of Books.

Started several book-related collections in my bujo (something I’m testing for 2017, we’ll see how it goes). I thought I might as well share them.

Books read. Reasonably self-explanatory. I’ve cheated with GoF as I wanted to see how a book would fit on the shelf. Will probably decorate the shelf a bit more and colour it in. I’m planning on colouring the books I blog about, to give me a bit of a visual push on that front.

Mount Toberead. It’s in reality a lot bigger than this would seem to indicate, but I’ve only noted the three books I KNOW I need to read in the next few weeks so far.

Book stats tracker. Saw this idea somewhere and had a go at my own version. So far tracking: Target age, gender (of author), genre, origin of author/place of action IN Europe/North America our outside, and whether the book is relatable to a challenge. In the empty column I may add score, or perhaps track some more diversity markers. We’ll see.

As you’ll notice, all these pages are in English. They just came out that way. Some of the other pages in the bujo are in Norwegian, some are mixed. This is pretty much inevitable, unless I make a concentrated effort to remember to use only one language, and since part of the point of the bujo is to make it effortless enough so I actually use it, «concentrated effort» doesn’t really come into it.

The pages above are not very exciting at the moment, of course. I’ll get back to them in a blogpost later in the year to show how they progressed (well, if they do).

Bout of Books 18

Bout of Books 18

Oh, go on then. Might as well start the reading year off on the right foot, right?

The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda Shofner and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, January 2nd and runs through Sunday, January 8th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 18 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. – From the Bout of Books team

Hereby signing up.

Oppsummering av leseåret 2016

I følge Goodreadsoversikten leste jeg 96 bøker i 2016. Tallet burde vært 99, siden jeg leste de tre første Harry Potter-bøkene om igjen i jula, men jeg gadd ikke å legge dem inn på Goodreads (siden det mangler en god «har lest om igjen»-funksjon, så vidt jeg har klart å finne ut av). Det er absolutt et akseptabelt antall, men siden en ganske stor andel var tegneserier eller korte barne-/ungdomsbøker (som jeg til og med har lest før) er det nok ikke så imponerende likevel. Noen fler tall:

Antall bøker totalt: 99
Antall nye (for meg) bøker: 44
Antall gjenlesinger: 55 (ekstremt, selv til meg å være)
Antall tegneserier: 19
Antall bøker skrevet av (bare) damer: 65
Antall bøker skrevet av (bare) menn: 18
Antall bøker skrevet av forfattere fra OG med handling fra verden utenom Europa+Nord-Amerika: 3 (patetisk)
Antall bøker som er teoretisk kvalifisert til Bokbloggerprisen 2016: 4 (også patetisk, heldigvis var fler av dem verdt en nominasjon)

For 2017 har jeg satt som Goodreads-mål å lese 80 bøker. Ut over antall må ambisjonen være å lese fler bøker for første gang, noen fler romaner som ikke er fantasy (ikke at det er noe galt med fantasy, langt derifra) og definitivt fler bøker fra andre verdensdeler og kulturer. Jeg morer meg med BuJo i år, så jeg tror jeg skal få inn noen av de kategoriene på en tracker for å visualisere.

Og som vanlig kan jeg jo ha som målsetning om å blogge om en noe større andel av bøkene jeg leser.

Angående Bookriots Read Harder Challenge kan jeg vel konstantere at framgangen første halvår endte med å være resultatet for hele året, mer eller mindre. Mission not completed. Bedre lykke neste gang.