Drama – Raina Telgemeier

The book Drama by Raina Telgemeier is a great comic book about a girl in high school called Callie. It was published September in 2012, printed in Singapore and published by Scholastic.

Drama is focused on the life of Callie during the preparation for the Spring musical. Callie is a nice and funny girl who really wants to sing but her voice does not agree with that and she ends up joining the backstage crew and becoming the next stage manager.

All and all, I really enjoyed this book and I hope others will to. I believe that this graphic novel (comic book) is for the ages 7 and up because you need to understand what love is to understand what is really happening.

The Baby-Sitters Club – Raina Telgemeier

The series The Baby-Sitters Club by Raina Telgemeier is a great comic book series, that I love. The main characters are Kristy, Stacey, Mary Anne, Claudia and Dawn. Dawn joins in the third book but the others where there from the start.

There are four books in the series but I hope there will be more. The four books are Kristy’s Great Idea, The Truth About Stacey, Mary Anne Saves The Day and Claudia and Mean Janine.

Over all I really enjoyed the series and I believe that others will too. I recommend this series to the ages five and up and male and female or any thing in between.

Creepy Susie and 13 Other Tragic Tales for Troubled Children – Angus Oblong

The book Creepy Susie and 13 other tragic tales for troubled children by Angus Oblong is a very funny book. One of my favorites is Creepy Susie, but it is also funny that in this book electroshock therapy cures all mental issues.

There are a lot of main characters. There is: Helga from The Debbies, Betsy from Stupid Betsy, Waldo from Waldo and Bean, Scooter from Little Scooter, Sammy from Happy happy happy happy Sammy, Milo form Milo’s Disorder, Susie form Creepy Susie, Emily from Emily Ampatute, Scottie from Narcoleptic Scottie, Tommy and Patty from Sibling rivalry, Rosie from Rosie’s crazy mother, Jenny Jenny Jenny and Babette from Jenny Jenny Jenny and Babette the Siamese Quadruplets, Dick and Muffy from Dick & Muffy, Mary from Mary had a Little chainsaw.

This book is very fun but a little bit brutal so I recommend for ages 10 and up and all genders but only for those who feel like they can handle a bit of gore and murder.

The Yeti Files: Monsters on the Run – Kevin Sherry

The book Monsters on the run from the Yeti Files series is written and Illustrated by Kevin Sherry. This book is a fiction book and I choose this book because the cover looked fun and I liked the name.
This story takes place in a fictional world with yetis, monsters and leprechauns. The story starts in their normal world and then they time travel 65 million year back in time to the age of the dinosaurs.
The main character’s are a Yeti, Nessie and a golem. They travel back in time to find a friend for Nessie that is just like her.
In the start they play a game about a battle and then they get a letter from Nessie that says that she is lonely and wants someone like her for a friend, in the middle of the book they time travel back to the dinosaurs to find a dinosaur that looks like her, and finally at the end of the book they travel back and find a friend for Nessie that is in the same time as her.
All in all I really enjoyed this book and I hope others will to. I believe this book should be for all ages above 2, even the ones who can not read because it is pretty funny and simple.

Kong kortbukse og den onde keiseren – Andy Riley

Jeg elsker boka om Kong Kortbukse fordi jeg synes det er morsomt at et barn er konge og at kronen hans har tre kroner.

Jeg synes at neste bok skal handle om andre onde land som angriper. Onde land som har keisere som er rarere og morsommere en Keiser Fuskesen

Innbydelsene ble sendt ut med personpost. Det er når du får en person, gjerne en bonde, til å huske en beskjed, noe sånt som «Kom til Keiser Fuskesens slott på Onsdag». Så skriver du adresse på bonden, kliner et frimerke i panna hans og trøkker ham ned i en postkasse. Når bonden blir levert til riktig adresse, sier han beskjeden høyt. Det funker som en drøm.

Jeg likte dette avsnittet fordi det er litt rart og morsomt å bruke mennesker i posten. Jeg lurer også på hva som skjer med bonden etter at han har gitt beskjeden.

Edward Rubikons Mysterier: Den siste halloween – Aleksander Kirkwood Brown

Jeg skriver om en bok som heter Den siste halloween, den er fra en serie som heter “Edward Rubikons Mysterier”. Den en skrevet av Aleksander Kirkwood og illustrert av Andreas Iversen. Det er en fantasyserie. Jeg valgte denne boka fordi den er gøy og er fra favorittserien min på norsk.

Boka handler om en gutt som løser mysterier med de 2 vennene sine (Kasper og Nadira).

Det som skjer: Halloween blir til hallo-venn. Byen blir angrepet av monstre som ødelegger byen. Alt blir fikset og halloween er tilbake.

Denne boka er bra for barn og voksne som liker mysterier, bilder og hopping mellom tegneserie og vanlig bok. Det er en gøy bok, og jeg håper du liker den også.

Lattermild: Omtalen er rettet mtp grammatikk og stavemåte for å lette forståelsen, men ellers beholdt i sin opprinnelige form.

Water Horse by Dick King-Smith

Today I am writing a review about the Water Horse by Dick King-Smith. And to let you know the book is based on an old Scottish story.

The book is about two kids, their parents, their grandfather and of course the Water Horse.

In the book the oldest of the two kids finds a thing that looks like a giant mermaid’s purse, but it is not and they bring it to the bathtub and it hatches and, well a lot of trouble starts.

I liked that the book was very exciting and fun and not boring and something you really want to read.

The book brought me a lot of good ideas for games to play with my friends and art stuff, because I really love a real adventure and a nice art piece.

I liked it because it’s not one of those books you want to just put down and stop reading forever but is one of those books you just need to find out the ending and keep reading again and again.

I didn’t really like that there was so much boring stuff at the beginning because I like to dive right into the fun stuff.

And except for that the book is fantastic.

My favorite character is one of the kids (the youngest) named Angus, he is my favorite because he uses a lot of sailors oaths like: shiver my timbers, blow me down,  well I’ll be scuppered and holy mackerel.

I loved the book and I think all ages would like this book if they are in for a big ADVENTURE.

Adventure Time Volume 1 – Ryan North, Braden Lamb & Shelli Paroline

Adventure Time is about two super broes who go on adventures and their names are Finn and Jake. Finn is in love with Princess Bubblegum, who is half bubblegum, and Jake is a dog.

The book is more of a comic than a book but it is really funny. This particular one is about Bmo (the robot), the Lich (the stupid bad guy), Finn, Jake and Princess Bubblegum.

I think that boys and girls around the age of 7 to 1000000 would like this book.