Bout of Books 23 progress post


The Girl Who Drank the Moon by Kelly Barnhill pages 198-244

46 pages total. A win I call it, because if it hadn’t been for Bout of Books I’d definitely have ended up with brain candy on tv instead of reading.


The Girl Who Drank the Moon by Kelly Barnhill pages 244-302

58 pages. Even better. I also did Monday’s Instagram challenge on Tuesday morning:


The Girl Who Drank the Moon by Kelly Barnhill pages 302-386 (the end).

84 pages total.

And I did a picture for Tuesday’s Instagram challenge:

Bout of Books day two, late again: Favourite colour covers. #bob23igphoto

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No reading 🙁


Pyramids by Terry Pratchett pages 7-12.

Blogged about The Girl Who Drank the Moon.


No reading, but I did download review copy of a book I am very excited to read to the kindle, and borrowed another from the library. Both are published in 2018, so also fit the Instagram challenge for today.


Sunday’s challenge is stretch goals. Since I didn’t really set any goals at the beginning of the week, I can’t revise them, but I will set a mini-challenge for myself: Read SOMETHING.

Update: Well, that went better than could be expected. Despite arranging a birthday party for the soon-to-be-six-year-old in the afternoon and hence being somewhat tired, I started reading Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (about time, too!) and read up to page 222. Granted, it’s a screenplay, so the amount of text on each page is limited, but still.

Monday morning I posted an Instagram image for the Saturday Instagram challenge:

Bout of Books day six challenge was Saturday, so I am even later than usual, but here are two «Published in 2018». Vi skulle vært løver av Line Baugstø oppdaget jeg etter å ha lest Musikk for rasende kvinner. Enhver forfatter som får meg til å like å lese noveller er det verdt å sjekke ut. Dette er en ungdomsbok om et dagsaktuelt tema: Trans. Klør av Ida Frisch var både @ellikken78 og @bokelskerinnen så begeistret for at jeg prøvde å søke etter den på biblioteket. Jeg fant den ikke på nettsidene, men når vi var innom lokalbiblioteket på lørdag ettermiddag fordi femåringen forlangte nye bøker sto den midt i glaninga og blomstret, så da fikk den bli med meg hjem en tur. #bob23igphoto #viskulleværtløver #klør #bookstagram

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Definitely not my most productive Bout of Books, but then I wasn’t expecting it to be. I’ll be back in January (Bout of Books 24 starts 7 January), and by then I’ll be an old hack in the new job and hopefully not come home exhausted every day.

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