Creepy Susie and 13 Other Tragic Tales for Troubled Children – Angus Oblong

The book Creepy Susie and 13 other tragic tales for troubled children by Angus Oblong is a very funny book. One of my favorites is Creepy Susie, but it is also funny that in this book electroshock therapy cures all mental issues.

There are a lot of main characters. There is: Helga from The Debbies, Betsy from Stupid Betsy, Waldo from Waldo and Bean, Scooter from Little Scooter, Sammy from Happy happy happy happy Sammy, Milo form Milo’s Disorder, Susie form Creepy Susie, Emily from Emily Ampatute, Scottie from Narcoleptic Scottie, Tommy and Patty from Sibling rivalry, Rosie from Rosie’s crazy mother, Jenny Jenny Jenny and Babette from Jenny Jenny Jenny and Babette the Siamese Quadruplets, Dick and Muffy from Dick & Muffy, Mary from Mary had a Little chainsaw.

This book is very fun but a little bit brutal so I recommend for ages 10 and up and all genders but only for those who feel like they can handle a bit of gore and murder.

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