Bout of books 22 progress post

Like last time I will stick to one post for the week, updating every morning or so.

Goals for the week:

1. Finish some books. I’m in the middle of… too many. Most of which I really like, but due to the reading mojo being somewhat absent they hang around for a lot longer than they should.

2. Blog about some books. Not necessarily the same ones as in point 1, but it wouldn’t hurt.

3. Have fun.

Monday 14 May

Travelling all day in a car, so no reading. Had I planned better I could have brought an audiobook, but I didn’t.

Tante Ulrikkes vei – Zeshan Shakar: 280-288 = 8 pages

Better than nothing, but hardly impressive…

Tuesday 15 May

Need to read for work today, so should get quite a few pages done.

Tante Ulrikkes vei – Zeshan Shakar: 288-300 = 12 pages
The Data Warehouse Toolkit 2nd Ed. – Ralph Kimball and Margy Ross: 62-88 = 26 pages
Mister God, This is Anna – Fynn: 13-68 = 55 pages

Total: 93 pages. Not too shabby.

Tuesday challenge is «Year of You», to share a book that was published the year I was born. I had a look at Goodread’s «most popular books published in 1974» list and noticed a few familiar titles, but not that many I’ve actually read. I was considering Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, which I did read at some point, but then I scrolled far enough down to find Mister God, This is Anna. I can’t remember when I discovered this gem of a book, but I was completely in love with it for a while. It’s one of the books I own more than one copy of, two almost identical paperbacks, and while I can’t make a good cause for not getting rid of one of them, I can’t seem to find it in me to do so. It’s been years, probably 20 or so, since I read it, so that’s what I’m reading this evening, in defiance of my actual goals for the BoB.

Other book-related things done today: Booked airplane tickets and hotel for Bokbloggertreffet 2018. Woot!

Wednesday 16 May

Last working day of the week, really, since tomorrow is our national day (not expecting to get much reading at all done tomorrow), and we’re going away for the weekend Friday morning as the kids have time off. Though I suppose I can read work-related stuff while away (I should, I’m behind).

Tante Ulrikkes vei – Zeshan Shakar: 300-324 = 24 pages
The Data Warehouse Toolkit 2nd Ed. – Ralph Kimball and Margy Ross: 88-118 = 30 pages
Mister God, This is Anna – Fynn: 68-90 = 22 pages

Wednesday challenge: «Show me your precious»:

Thursday 17 May

Norway’s national day, which means zilch reading, at least while the kid is in a band and I am in the 17th May committee: Up at six to get the eldest into band uniform and me in decent clothes for assembly at 6:45. Marching, flag up, bus to town, follow the band until they’re where they need to be for the parade, escape for a brief while to see the other kid and watch parts of the parade (crucially the one with the eldest, I wanted to see her school, too, but missed it), pick up the kid again at the end point, stop by the school briefly (I actually missed this part, my husband to the kids and I went home to nap for an hour or so before:), assemble at the local school (which the band belongs to) to finalize the setup for the afternoon’s games and grill and café, wander around helping out where needed and trying to get to spend some time with the kids, getting the public to leave at six and tidy up everything after, home shortly after seven pm, tidy away the things that have to be put away (in the fridge/freezer, anything else can wait), fix some sort of dinner for myself, collapse. The fact that I squeezed in 4 pages is a miracle of sorts. By the end of the day I was too tired to read, so I started the rewatch of MASH that I’ve been thinking about forever.

Mister God, This is Anna – Fynn: 90-94 = 4 pages

Friday 18 May

Travelling to Hitra by boat with the kids today, some reading should actually be possible…

Today’s challenge is space-themed (I’ll start off now, but may have to think about some of them for a while):

Mercury – Favourite short story/novella: En plutselig frigjørende tanke by Kjell Askildsen
Venus – Favourite book with female protagonist:
Earth – Favourite book about nature/nature word in the title: One by Gerrald Durrel, let’s go with The Bafut Beagles.
Mars – Favourite book with a red cover:
Jupiter – Favourite tome over 500 pages:
Saturn – Favourite book with circle/ring on the cover/in the title:
Uranus – Favourite book set in winter:
Neptune – Favourite book set at sea, on a boat, or under water: All of the Aubrey/Maturin books by Patrick O’Brian
Pluto – Favourite books featuring a dog/with a dog on the cover:
Moon – Favourite book set anywhere other than Earth: Dragonsinger/Dragonsong by Anne McCaffrey
Sun – Favourite book set in summer:
Space – Favourite book set in space: The Hitch-Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams

Tante Ulrikkes vei – Zeshan Shakar: 324-430 = 106 pages
Mister God, This is Anna – Fynn: 94-140 = 46 pages
Lords and Ladies – Terry Pratchett: 1-14 = 14 pages

Saturday 19 May

Lords and Ladies – Terry Pratchett: 14-78 = 64 pages
Grensen – Erika Fatland: 192-220 = 28 pages

Sunday 20 May

Lords and Ladies – Terry Pratchett: 78-240 = 162 pages

Day six Instagram challenge completed today: Shelfie.


Number of pages read: 601
Number of books finished: 2

Considering one of the books I finished was also started this week AND I started another one, too, I guess I will call that a bit of a fail on goal number 1. As for the number of pages, it’s perfectly acceptable. I read (lots) more than I do on average, and this time it was mostly pretty dense text (and partly non-fiction of the drier kind) rather than comics. So yay.

I didn’t actually blog about any books during the BoB week, but I did write most of this post about Fargeglade vampyrer which I pressed published on today (Monday 21st). But on the other hand I should have realised that getting much blogging done this week was never going to happen, so I  will declare myself satisfied with goal 2 not really being reached.

As for goal 3: But of course.

Am I ready for Bout of Books 23? You bet.

Come to think of it, I read more! I read five chapters – 39 pages – of Doktor Proktors prompepulver aloud to the five-year-old.

5 thoughts to “Bout of books 22 progress post”

  1. Ble en dårlig start for meg også, var en mer bissi dag en eg hadde trodd, så fikk bare lest 73 sider. Har som mål å lese 100-150 sider pr dag, men håper det går litt bedre idag. Kos deg med lesinga! ? Artig å følge med deg! Er ikke noe flink å delta på challengene, men følger med hva andre gjør i stede. Morsomt det også!

    1. I don’t do a lot of audiobooks these days (or travelling by car, either), but I should make sure to have access to some on my phone or something 🙂

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