Bout of Books 21: Progress post

Bout of Books

I will stick to having just the one post for progress this week, rather than one per day, I think, so this post will be updated as the week progresses.


Castle of Llyr pages 42-170 (128)
Taran Wanderer pages 3-44 (41)
Amulet #7: Firelight pages 1-198 (198)

Monday challenge

Another book-related thing happened today, namely the announcement of the Bokbloggerprisen 2017 (the book blogger price for Norwegian books published in 2017) longlist. None of my nominees made it (I’m most upset about Keeperen og havet), and I’ve actually read 0 of the books on the longlist. I’ve got one, Nesten menneske, on loan from the library and need to get to that soon. For the others I will probably wait for the shortlist to see which ones I should prioritize and join the readalongs (one book a month from February to August).


Goodnight Punpun pages 1-424 (424)
Pondus 1/2018  (comic magazine) 1-50 (50)
Taran Wanderer pages 44-218 (174)

Tuesday challenge

The Tuesday challenge is to sum up 2018 reading goals. In the Goodreads challenge I’ve set 70 books as a goal, which I’m well on the way to (10/70 already!), but I don’t expect to keep up this progress. In any case, exceeding that number is obviously just a bonus. I’ve also noted that I need to read more books with author AND plot from outside Europe/North America. More than in 2017 shouldn’t be too difficult, as I had a grand total of one dubious fit. In fact, since I finished Goodnight Punpun today I have already exceeded last year’s total… Still, I mean to read more.

As far as challenges go, I intend to make an attempt at the Bookriot Read Harder as well as the Swedish bloggers’ Kaosutmaningen. I’m also hoping to participate in Moshonista’s Biography reading circle (waiting for the 2018 prompts to be published) and may consider Boktankers Bokhyllelesing – reading shelf-warmers – again waiting for the 2018 prompts (the link is to the 2017 prompts).


The High King pages 3-106 (103)

The Wednesday challenge was a book spine rainbow. I finally got around to it on Friday:


The High King pages 106-248 (142)

The Thursday challenge is called All the Favourites, and there are a few prompts to set us going, so here goes (I may add more as I think of them):

Audiobook narrator
I don’t listen to a lot of audiobooks, and I don’t normally pay that much attention to who the narrator is when I do, but the most memorable narration I’ve ever heard was David Suchet’s reading of Murder on the Orient Express, where he does (perfect!) voices for all the different characters.

Thore Hansen has been a favourite for as long as I can remember, but Lisa Aisato is becoming a major contender for the top spot.

I’d have to go with the Aubrey/Maturin series by Patrick O’Brian.

Bookish blog
One I’ve read for a long time and which continues to delight and inform me is the Swedish bookblog Enligt O.

I don’t do videos.

Favorite library (librarian)
I’ve never had a conscious relationship to specific librarians since I moved away from my childhood library, Hamar bibliotek. There were two female librarians – and no, I don’t remember their names – who worked (mostly) in the children’s/youth section who were helpful and gave good guidance, but also annoyed me because they were the face of the rule that you couldn’t take out books from the adult section before the age of 12 (I got around it by reading in the library, but it felt massively unfair). At the time I wanted to be a librarian when I grew up, so they were both important role models.


Så du ikke går deg bort pages 7-48 (41)

Saturday and Sunday

Så du ikke går deg bort pages 49-111 (63)

The weekend was a bit of a disaster, reading-wise. I had a photgraphy workshop on Saturday (some of the pictures I took can be seen here) and on Sunday we had a birthday party for the (newly-turned) eleven-year-old. But I did finish a Nobel Prize Winner, even if it was short, so there is that.

Totals for the week

Books finished

The Castle of Llyr, Chronicles of Prydain III – Lloyd Alexander
Amulet #7: Firelight – Kazu Kibiushi
Goodnight Punpun – Inio Asano
Taran Wanderer, Chronicles of Prydain IV – Lloyd Alexander
The High King, Chronicles of Prydain V – Lloyd Alexander
Så du ikke går deg bort – Patrick Modiano

Books blogged

Goodnight Punpun – Inio Asano
Vernon God Little – DBC Pierre (read prior to Bout of Books week)

Total number of pages read: 1364 (updated Friday)

And that’s pretty marvellous, considering I read all of 200 pages or so for Bout of Books 20 back in August, when my concentration levels should have been much better. This time around I managed almost 200 pages a day on average, even if almost half is comics/graphic novels that’s still over 100 pages of text a day, which is much more than I normally read (I just checked last year’s stats on Goodreads, and dividing the 17,924 pages they reckon I read by 365 I get 49 pages a day, and that number, too, includes a lot of comics/graphic novels).

AND I blogged about two books!

More importantly, perhaps: Fun was had.

Bout of Books will be back in May. So will I. Well, actually, I hope I’ll be blogging a bit between now and May, too, but you know what I mean.

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