Readathon: 10 Years in 10 (well, 11) books

It may be my first Dewey’s readathon, but it’s been going on twice a year since 2007, and so this is the 10 year anniversary. To celebrate, one of the challenges is to recommend a book from each of the years, and though the challenge says 10 books, I make that 11… Anyway, I made another Instagram bookstack.

Here’s a handy-dandy list, with links to my blog posts about each book (if I ever wrote one):

2007: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J. K. Rowling. Hardly needs an introduction.

2008: Bad Science by Ben Goladacre.

2009: Shades of Grey by Jasper Ffforde.

2010: Started Early, Took my Dog by Kate Atkinson.

2011: How to be a Woman by Caitlin Moran.

2012: En man som heter Ove by Peter Backman.

2013: Hyperbole and a Half by Alleie Brosch.

2014: Men Explain Things to Me by Rebecca Solnit. I haven’t technically finished this book, but I’ve finished the essay which gives it its title, and it’s brilliant.

2015: Evna by Siri Pettersen. Never blogged, bad blogger. I did manage to write something about the first book in the trilogy, though, Odinsbarn.

2016: The Hanging Tree by Ben Aaronowitch. Also never blogged. I’ve written about two other titles in the series, though, and I heartily recommend reading every single one.

2017: Tegnehanne: Blod, Svette og Tress-is by Hanne Sigbjørnsen.

And now to get back to reading for the remaining… 102 minutes.

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