Bout of Books Day 1 and 2

Well, I must admit, the numbers are not looking particularly impressive so far.

Day 1 I read the entirety of Alex Rider Point Blanc, a graphic novel the eldest had borrowed from the school library and loved. I can see why she liked it, and I found it entertaining myself, but I am quite clearly not its target market.

Day 2 I read… well, at least 10 pages of a book about millinary. But I did go to a reading circle meeting, so that was a couple of hours of bookish activity, even if it wasn’t technically reading.

Must do better today.

4 thoughts to “Bout of Books Day 1 and 2”

    1. The reading circle is a book club of sorts, yes, we’re 8 ladies (not that men aren’t allowed) that meet monthly to discuss books. We have a book we’re all supposed to read each month (we take turns suggesting titles), but it’s very low pressure. I joke that the only rule is if you haven’t finished the book you can’t complain about spoilers 🙂

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