Bout of books 18: Day 4-7 stats

Bout of Books 18

Reading’s going well, blogging… not so well. I’ll make this a Bout of Books 18 roundup post.

Thursday: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 164 to 282, 118 pages.

Friday: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 283 to 432 and
Sweet Masterpiece 89-114, 174 pages.

Saturday: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 433 to 517 and
Sweet Masterpiece 115-121, 90 pages.

Sunday: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 518-674, 156 pages.

Which gives a total of pages read this week of 940. I’m happy with that. Only one book finished, but since I happened to be reading the two thickest books in the Harry Potter canon, that is not surprising. I’d have gotten more reading done this weekend if it hadn’t been for the eldest turning ten and family descending for a party and we had to, ahem, tidy and clean a bit in preparation.

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