Bout of Books 18: Day 3 stats

Bout of Books 18

Busy day yesterday. Still, I managed to squeeze in 86 pages of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Which takes me up to 408 pages so far this week. So, not too shabby.

I didn’t get around to doing the challenge, but I showed off my most excellent new bookmark from Beedoo (Etsy) on Instagram:

This morning I came across Popsugar’s 2017 reading challenge. I printed out the list for this challenge two years ago, but never followed it up. Now I’ve printed out the 2017 list and will glue it into the Bujo along with the Read Harder list. Perhaps that will make it easier to remember. It’s a pretty good mix of quite random things, so it should be fun to try to find books to match.

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