Bout of Books 18: Day 1 stats

Read pages 398 to 546 in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (so 148 pages). Decided on the spur of the moment late Monday evening to sign up for Bout of Books.

Started several book-related collections in my bujo (something I’m testing for 2017, we’ll see how it goes). I thought I might as well share them.

Books read. Reasonably self-explanatory. I’ve cheated with GoF as I wanted to see how a book would fit on the shelf. Will probably decorate the shelf a bit more and colour it in. I’m planning on colouring the books I blog about, to give me a bit of a visual push on that front.

Mount Toberead. It’s in reality a lot bigger than this would seem to indicate, but I’ve only noted the three books I KNOW I need to read in the next few weeks so far.

Book stats tracker. Saw this idea somewhere and had a go at my own version. So far tracking: Target age, gender (of author), genre, origin of author/place of action IN Europe/North America our outside, and whether the book is relatable to a challenge. In the empty column I may add score, or perhaps track some more diversity markers. We’ll see.

As you’ll notice, all these pages are in English. They just came out that way. Some of the other pages in the bujo are in Norwegian, some are mixed. This is pretty much inevitable, unless I make a concentrated effort to remember to use only one language, and since part of the point of the bujo is to make it effortless enough so I actually use it, «concentrated effort» doesn’t really come into it.

The pages above are not very exciting at the moment, of course. I’ll get back to them in a blogpost later in the year to show how they progressed (well, if they do).

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