Bout of Books day 4 progress report

Books finished: 0
Number of pages read: 41 HB: Destillert Norgeshistorie + 13 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (aloud)
Total number of pages read: 380
Total number of books finished: 1
Total number of books blogged about: 2
Comments: I’d like to get one or two more books blogged by the end of the week, and if I can stay at 100+ pages on avaerage through the week, I’d consider it a success.


Scavenger hunt by Kristen at  The Book Monsters:

1. Book Shelves

1. #shelfie #boutofbooks #boutofbookshunt @bookgoil

Et bilde publisert av @lattermild

2. A book you’re planning to read/currently reading for Bout of Books

3. A Book and a Beverage

4. Blue Books

5. Cozy Reading Spot

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