Bout of Books 9.0: Progress


Monday stats: 

Books finished: The Twistrose Key  by Tone Almhjell
Number of pages read: 283 (The Twistrose Key)
Total number of pages read: 283
Total number of books finished: 1
Total number of books blogged about: 0

Tuesday stats: 

Books finished: Storspring by Lars Ove Seljestad and Low Moon og andre historier by Jason
Number of pages read: 216 (Jason) + 66 (Storspring) + 17 (Matilda aloud) + 86 (The Thrift Book) = 385
Total number of pages read: 668
Total number of books finished: 3
Total number of books blogged about: 1

Wednesday stats: 

Books finished: The Thrift Book by India Knight
Number of pages read: 127 (TTB) + 25 (Matilda aloud) + 57 (Vårofferet) =209 (Boo)
Total number of pages read: 877
Total number of books finished: 4
Total number of books blogged about: 1 (need to get on with it!)

Thursday stats: 

Books finished: 0
Number of pages read: 14 (Matilda aloud) + 41 (Nemi) + 49 (Pondus) = 104
Total number of pages read: 981
Total number of books finished: 4
Total number of books blogged about: 1

Friday stats: 

Books finished: 0
Number of pages read: 89 (I’m beginning to realise the 250 average is unrealistic…)
Total number of pages read: 1070
Total number of books finished: 4
Total number of books blogged about: 2

Saturday stats: 

Books finished: 0
Number of pages read: 82
Total number of pages read: 1152
Total number of books finished: 4
Total number of books blogged about: 2

Sunday stats: 

Books finished: 0
Number of pages read: 117
Total number of pages read: 1269
Total number of books finished: 4
Total number of books blogged about: 2

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