Katie in London – James Mayhew

katieinlondonI keep meaning to blog more about the books we read with the lass, so while I remember:

I was tipped off about Katie in London, and I’m very glad I was. The plot is hardly revolutionary: Katie goes to London to see the sights with her little brother and her grandmother, but before they really see anything, grandma wants a rest on a bench at Trafalgar Square. Katie and her brother therefore travel around London with one of the lions instead. They see St. Pauls, the Tower, Tower Bridge, the London Eye, the changing of the guards at Buckingham Palace and Hyde Park.

Like most kids (and some adults), the lass tends to enjoy something more if she’s heard about it a lot. So reading books about a place before going there is good. The internet, and especially YouTube is good too.

From that point of view, this book fulfills its purpose beautifully. And while it is not great literature, neither is it bad in any way, it fits its audience without being (too) tedious for the grown-up who has to read aloud.

2 thoughts to “Katie in London – James Mayhew”

  1. Do you know any good books to get children interested in Wales? 😉
    We got J a copy of Pippi Longstocking. She hated the idea of it in the shop, but started reading it in the car and has since decided she loves it. She also really likes Dolfje Weerwolfje (Dutch author, about a boy who finds out on his 7th birthday that he is, in fact, a werewolf, but he is also still an adorable 7yo).

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