Smakebit på søndag: Mercury Falls

mercury_fallsI purchased Mercury Falls for the Kindle on a whim, probably because it was cheap. In any case, I thought it looked interesting. I’ve been reading it on and off for at least a month – it’s been my backup book when I’ve finished whatever else I brought and was stuck somewhere, like an airport. Once I got about half way though, though, it picked up pace and I finished it in two days. This is a quote from quite early on:

Harry Giddings was a man of convictions—formidable, impregnable, inspirational, and often contradictory convictions. Harry believed so many ridiculous and unjustified notions that the sheer weight of probability dictated that at least a few of them would end up being true. Thus it was that Harry’s belief that he would play a pivotal role in the impending Apocalypse was misguided, completely absurd, and entirely accurate.

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