On this and that

First: I’ve added a page called Books read by year and gone through the archives to try to put complete lists together. As for previous years, the lists are probably never going to be complete, but from now on I will attempt to remember to update the list once I’ve finished a book, whether I have the time and wherewithall to blog about it or not. That way the list can serve as a reminder to myself of what I might need to blog about as well. We’ll see how that goes.

I’m contemplating adding a «books I’ve started but for some reason not finished» page, which would also serve as a reminder to get around to finishing a few of them. I tend to lose track and then find books again years later with a bookmark half-way through. Quite frequently it’s not that I didn’t want to finish, but that something more exciting diverted my attention and I simply forgot to go back.

Secondly: I see a lot of bloggers stating their reading resolutions for 2012 these days. I’m not really into resolutions, but I do have a lot of books on my shelves that I bought because I really wanted to read them and then didn’t get around to, so I think a goal of trying to get through quite a few of my shelf-warmers might be a good idea – I’ll do a count at the end of the year to see how I did. In addition, I’ve got a few bookcrossing books that I’ve had in my possession for far too long, and I will try to move some of those along too. Other than that my main resolution is to be better at keeping up with the blog. Even if I don’t get around to writing long entries on everything I read, I should at least remember to update frequently enough that I don’t lose track of books completely. A sentence or two has got to be better than no mention at all, and in 2012 I will try to remember that.

Thirdly: In February this blog will be 10 years old. Aaaw. All grown up! Ahem. Well, I will celebrate by having a giveaway. There will be books up for grabs. A lot of books. I’ll get back which ones and how to enter to «win» in about a month, and I’ll do the draw on the big day, which is 20th February.

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