Bokbloggsjerka: Best of the best

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Et interessant spørsmål. Nå har jeg jo ganske mange favorittforfattere, men jeg kan jo begynne med noen:

Jasper Fforde – Shades of Gray. Jeg elsker ALLE Jasper Ffordes bøker, men best av alle tror jeg nok er Shades of Gray.

Jane Austen – Persuasion. Because, well, what’s not to like?

Kate Atkinson – When Will there be Good News. A slightly more difficult choice, but it’s done.

Oscar Wilde – An Ideal Husband. Although The Importance of being Ernest is perhaps the better play, I actually care about the characters of An Ideal Husband.

J. K. Rowling – The Goblet of Fire. I am loath to chose between the Harry Potter books, but if I have to chose one, this is it.

Jeffrey Archer – As the Crow Flies. It’s certainly the one I’ve read the most times. 

Alan Alexander Milne – Two People. It’s too hard to chose between the Pooh-books anyway, so I’ll go with my favourite of his adult fiction.

Bill Bryson – Notes from a Small Island. Not much surprise there.

Douglas Adams – The Long, Dark Tea-Time of the Soul. Best of the best.

Douglas Coupland – Microserfs. Ingen over, ingen ved siden.

Richard Russo – The Risk Pool. Profound and heartfelt.

Som blir 11. Og der gir jeg meg. Jeg må forresten beklage den totale språkforvirringen i dette innlegget, men jeg orker ikke rette det opp…

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