A Christmas Calendar: December 6th

Today I will make the suggestion that you consider not buying a gift for that person who «has everything». Seriously, if you’re looking through the helpful lists in the media and the catalogues for an idea – ANY IDEA – for a gift for Uncle Oswald or Aunt Jean or Cousin Francis:


I know Christmas is all about giving and shit, but, really, if a person falls into the category «has everything»:

THIS is what you get them.

Or something from HERE.

Or, you know, go with the charity of your choice. Almost every charity provide something in this vein nowadays.

And I know it’s not easy. I keep thinking «but what if this person is really offended and there’s an awkward silence and I ruin Christmas for everyone?» Well, ok, maybe not quite as bad as that, but I do tend to think of worst case scenarios. But this year? This year, fuck it, I am going to go with it. If I can’t think of a meaningful gift that conforms to William Morris’ maxim (which is, actually, quite a good rule): Have nothing in your house that you do not either know to be useful or believe to be beautiful (quoted from memory), well, then.

And, yes, absolutely: If you feel like you ought to buy me a gift because you expect I’ll get you one, or even if you just want to buy me a gift because I’m a swell person and all, then go ahead and follow my advice. Because I’d so much rather have 10 square meters of mine-free soil in Afghanistan than another thingamabob that I have to keep because Aunt Sally gave it to me. REALLY.

One thought to “A Christmas Calendar: December 6th”

  1. I think this is a brilliant idea! I would in no way be offended by a gift like that.

    One year I asked for money donated to the DOAA «cat house» in my name as a birthday present from my friends. A couple of them did, which made me very happy!

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