Smakebit på søndag: Bluestockings


This week, a taster from the book I started before the whole Aubrey/Maturin reread and which I’ve therefore had a looooong break in the middle of. Jane Robinson’s Bluestockings – The Remarkable Story of the First Women to Fight for an Education, page 156:

One tutor habitually damns with faint praise: ‘capable at times of work of good 2nd Class quality’; ‘exceedingly clever, but immature in mind’; ‘has worked steadily, but is much hampered by not knowing any grammar, French or English’ (and those were the subjects she was reading for her degree).

I’m rather enjoying the book, I’ll be back with a proper review once I’ve finished it.

More tasters – flere smakebiter – at Flukten fra virkeligheten.

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