Another reading challenge

Bucket_ListThis time one that suits perfectly: The Bucket List Challenge, hosted by The Eclectic Bookshelf. Mostraum is doing it, too.

The rules are as follows:

1. Challenge starts on January 1, 2012 and goes until December 31, 2012.
2. You don’t need a blog to participate.
3. Create a “sign up” post and link to the linky int The Eclectic Bookshelf sign up post.
4. There are 4 levels to this challenge….
a. The Mini Cooper level – 4 “bucket” list books
b. The Mid-sized Sedan level – 8 “bucket” list books
c. The Pick Up level – 12 “bucket” list books
d. The Semi level – 13 or more “bucket” list books
NOTE:  Stipulation to the challenge.  If you originally decided to start small with the Mini Cooper level and decide to upgrade that is fine.  But once you decide to go big you can NOT downgrade.
5. Each month a review link will be posted.  Please feel free to link up your reviews where ever you happen to post them…your blog, goodreads, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc.

I’ll dip my toes with the Mini Cooper level for now, but I might decide to upgrade.

There should be enough books to pick from in Mnt TBR (I’ll update the page, though, I’ve added a few books to the piles at home since last time).

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