Top Ten Tuesday – Books I Want to Reread

For the first time since I discovered Top Ten Tuesday at The Broke and the Bookish (it’s only a couple of weeks ago, actually), there is a theme that is close to my heart: Books I want to reread. I am a rereader. It’s one of the main reasons why I prefer buying books to borrowing them, if I like it I will want to reread it, at least once, probably several times. Of the 50-odd books I manage to get through every year nowadays (it used to be more, before kids and work), I’m guessing at least 20 or so are rereads. Which makes it even more frustrating that I can’t read MORE because there are so many books in Mnt TBR and so many I could include on the following list and life is simply not long enough. Well, on to the point:

Top Ten Books I want to Reread

1. Persuasion by Jane Austen: I’ve actually got it lined up on the Kindle, I’m just going to finish Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter first.

2. The Neverending Story by Michael Ende: Writing about it in the Tematrio made me realise I need to reread it. I think it’s one of those books I have actually only read once, which is monstrous.

3. Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston: Another Tematrio threw this one up, and made me ache to reread.

4. Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad: Joanna mentioned this in the same Teamtrio, and I realised it’s been 20 years and that I really don’t remember much except thinking it was brilliantly horrible. About time I picked it up again, don’t you think?

5. The Chronicles of Robin Hood by Rosemary Sutcliff: It’s just one of those books I HAVE to reread every other year or so.

6. Notes from a Small Island by Bill Bryson: Dear Bill, please, please, please go back to Britain and write a sequel taking in more of Scotland. And Wales, if you can manage. We need you! Sincerely, me.

7. The Hitch-Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (a trilogy in, uhm, five parts) by Douglas Adams: It’s been a while. And I need to reread the Dirk Gently books, too (if possible: Even more brilliant than H2G2).

8. As the Crow Flies by Jeffrey Archer: Or one of the others, maybe. In any case, the next time I need some comfort reading – if this cold develops it might be quite soon – I’m going to reread one or more of Jeffrey Archer’s ripping good yarns.

9. Used and Rare by Lawrence and Nancy Goldstone: Which I will probably follow with Slightly Chipped and Warmly Inscribed.

10. Seierherrene by Roy Jacobsen: I found a good, clean copy of this at a jumble sale recently, which suited me very well, as it’s a book I’ve been meaning to reread for a while.

4 thoughts to “Top Ten Tuesday – Books I Want to Reread”

  1. Hello, first time here, I followed the Mr Linky! Your books are all either new to me or books I have read just once. All, that is, except the Neverending Story – I guess I raced through it at least a dozen times!

  2. I’m terrible – I haven’t read any of the books on your list even for the first time yet, despite my best intentions. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is one in particular I’ve been meaning to read for a long time. I need to get on that!

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