Smakebit på en søndag: The Thirteen-Gun Salute

Since it’s time for another Smakebit – a «taster» – (though I skipped a week) here’s another Jack quote:

‘Why, Stephen, some people are in a hurry: men-of-war, for instance. It is no good carrying your pig to market and finding…’ He paused, frowning.

‘It will not drink?’

‘No, it ain’t that neither.’

‘That there are no pokes to be had?’

‘Oh well, be damned to literary airs and graces’

Page 114 in The Thirteen-Gun Salute by Patrick O’Brian.


4 thoughts to “Smakebit på en søndag: The Thirteen-Gun Salute”

  1. Thanks, Mari and Astridterese – I’m likely going to be skipping more weeks, being a most inconstant blogger, but at least I’ll try, I think it’s an excellent idea.

    Eva: I think you should try again. The sailing terms can on the whole be ignored, unless you really want to understand them, they’re not that important to the story 🙂

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