Jorden rundt

I fell off the journey spectacularly last year, partly due to accidentally packing the relevant books away in preparation of moving, but I think I might just jump on again now. Lyran’s challenge 2011 edition has reached South America and all of the chosen books look interesting. Just now, incidentally, Jack and Stephen are on their way to Sweden, but once they’ve been there and resolved a few things, they’re heading for South America. Which doesn’t count towards the challenge, but seems apt anyway. I have to finish with Jack and Stephen before tackling any of these three, but I should be able to make it in September.

I should in fact have a copy of Manguel somewhere, if I can’t find it I guess I might go for Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter, as it seems to be the only one of the three available for the Kindle. Though come to think of it, my father has read some Llosa, I might be able to borrow it off him. We’ll see.

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