I finished with Jack and Stephen Friday evening and started The Last Dragonslayer immediately, even though it was really time for bed already. I read one chapter and realised I really didn’t want to put it down. Ten years ago I would probably have finished it that night, but then I didn’t have someone who’d wake me demanding breakfast in the morning (and since the husband was working Saturday, it would be me she’d demand breakfast from).
Anyway, here’s a quote:
Tiger was staring thoughtfully at Prince Nasil, the carpet and the Yummy-Flakes box. Mystical Arts was a strange industry to work in and was much like a string of bizarre occurences occasionally interspersed with moments of great triumph and numbing terror. There was boredom, too. Watching wizards build up to a spell is like watching paint dry. It can take some getting used to.
En smakebit på søndag – a taster on Sunday – is an initiative from Mari at Flukten fra virkeligheten.
Det er så herlig med bøker som man bare vil lese i ett strekk! Høres ut som en spennende bok 🙂 Takk for smakebiten.
Jeg har Eyre Affair av samme forfatter stående her, men jeg har aldri lest den. Forfatteren har fått mye positiv omtale såvidt jeg har fått med meg, gleder meg til å stifte bekjentskap med Mr. Ford. Flott smakebit!