Catch of the day

Yesterday, at Sverresborg skole (a very small, badly signposted jumble sale):

  • Oda! by Kjetil Bjørnstad – paperback, thought we ought to have it as it’s the lass’ first name

Today at Steindal skole (the largest jumble sale in Trondheim, as far as I’m aware, but with a site that hasn’t grown with the goods and the visitor numbers, meaning it’s really not possible to browse comfortably ANYWHERE on the first day, and only barely on the second):

  • Toy Story 2 picture book – much joy at this since it’s the lass’ favourite, Jessie being relatively prominent.
  • Ina er den ivrigste by Annik Saxegaard – a duplicate, I have all the Ina books but I still buy them whenever I come across a copy at jumble sales.
  • Mennesker og bøker by Knut Coucheron Jarl, Oslo 1942 – no idea what this is like, but anything printed in Oslo during the war has a certain degree of interest. Needs research.
  • Mitt liv som læge by Anna Walter Fearn – I ought to get hold of the original, called My Days of Strength, but in the meantime, this, printed in 1940, is sure to be interesting. A female doctor? The cover design suggests the far east, too. Also needs research.
  • Hvor gammelt er Norge? by Arnulf Øverland, Oslo 1964 – a collection of essays by one of our finest poets, apparently a first edition. Though it’s stained on the front by coffee or similar, it’s still quite likely worth more than I paid for the whole pile if it’s a first and in any case I’d like to read it.
  • Den vesle filledokka by Michael Ende, illustrations by Roswitha Quadflieg – for the lass, obviously, but I’m going to read it for myself first, Michael Ende is usually interesting. Original title: Das kleine Lumpenkasperle.

And two other newish Disney books for the lass. All for the princely sum of 40 NOK.

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