
So. It’s time for the annual mega book sale, so I had to pop out at lunch to try to grab the titles I really wanted. Here’s the list of today’s haul:

  • Midtens rike by Torbjørn Færøvik, 179 kr – having read his book on India, this was top of my list of «must haves» in the sale.
  • Da Emma ble Emma by Peter Gotthardt, 99 kr – one can never have too many books that explain the whole birds and bees thing
  • Bare helt meg, Clarice Bean by Lauren Child, 99 kr – on second thought I should have noted the title and ordered an English version, but I can always do that anyway and save this for a present. I love Lauren Child.
  • Barske ramperim by Gustav Lorentzen, 125 kr – goes without saying.
  • Døde menn går i land by André Bjerke, 79 kr – lovely little pocket-size hardback of a book I’ve been meaning to read.
  • Livets kruseduller by Øistein Kristiansen, 149 kr – both the lass and I love Øisteins blyant, so this was an obvious choice.
  • Paddington i dag by Michael Bond, 39 kr – another one where the English version would have been a better choice.

2 thoughts to “Mammut-salget”

  1. hey, this might seem pretty out of the blue but I was wondering if you’re satisfied with the blog platform that you’re using? I’m considering creating a new blog and trying to choose between installing wordpress or drupal, which are the top two that seem most refered to in all the articles I’ve seen online. Any comments would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance! 🙂

  2. I’m perfectly happy with WordPress. I haven’t tested drupal, but have used both Blogger, Moveable Type and Typepad earlier, and I much prefer WordPress to any of those.

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