The Eyre Affair

In which we shout Eureka! (A good book at last!)


I had been intrigued by the titles of Jasper Fforde’s books before, so when I was at a loose end for something to read while waiting to see a doctor the other day, I picked up The Eyre Affair. This is just great! Finally another series of ‘sci-fi’ books that I can really get into! And how – just need to go buy the two other ones, now. The only problem with The Eyre Affair was I found myself wishing I lived in that world – especially when Thursday (the main character’s called Thursday Next, and even that makes my day) and Landen go to a performance of Richard III. It’s a bit like The Rocky Horror Show in our world. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with Rocky Horror, but Richard III it ain’t. Suffering from Thursday-envy.

Oh, and best of all: I finally got a happy ending. (Except, of course, it’s not really an ending as the story continues, but still, I’m happy.)

There’s even a website, in case the novels leave you wanting more (which they probably will).