So, I’m now the proud (?) owner of a HTC Desire HD. Lay the Android Apps reccommendations on me! Need to get a wordpress one, at least.
This awesome box has moved in with us today:
Purchased from Urban Retro, it’s a cornucopia of vintage buttons.
Quite a lot more than I’ll ever need, I’m sure.
Quite a lot of them are still on cards, actually. I’ll probably put some up for sale at some point, if I ever get around to stocking my Epla-shop, for example. But I’m keeping the box. Mine, all mine!
I’ve been drooling over instant cameras for some time. I was on the verge of buying a polaroid camera off ebay when it was announced that film would no longer be produced and I decided against it. Then the Fuji Instax appeared and started making the rounds in the blogosphere. It’s ages since I decided to buy one, I just haven’t gotten round to it, mainly because it’s not available in Norway (don’t ask me why, I have no idea).
So when we were in Dublin last weekend, I knew I had to grab my chance. I’d found one retailer on the net that appeared to stock it, so off to John Gunn we went. I’d planned on getting the mini, but they were out, and also claimed that it was being discontinued. I don’t know whether that is true or not, but it doesn’t matter much, I got the Instax 200 instead, and I’m quite happy with that.
The pictures are about twice the size as the ones from the mini, which is a plus in most situations, and I fell badly for the look. The woman who helped me in the shop had one herself and she said it always gets a laugh when she brings it out. I can imagine, it’s humongous and also looks like a toy camera, and she was a petite lady of at least 50 years of age. “They laugh and then they steal your prints,” she claimed, and I can well belive it.
I haven’t really had time to play much with it yet, but I did buy quite a lot of film, so I’m all set. This weekend, perhaps?
We followed up the Oslo Whiskyfestival with a short cruise to Fredrikshavn, and with 12 hours ashore, we decided to take the bus down to Ålborg instead of hanging around Fredrikshavn. In Ålborg I had noted down a couple of shops I wanted to visit, and one of them was Tiger. They had a lot of almost interesting things, but very few interesting enough to tempt me, but I did find some more wall hooks, or coat hangers or whatever you’d call them. Blatant rip-offs, obviously, and normally I don’t hold with buying designer rip-offs, but what with the problems I’ve been having finding any hooks I like and that actually work, in that it’s possible to hang something on them and expect that it stays there, I thought I’d go for them. Also, they were only 30 DKR each. Later the same day I saw some others, also quite blatantly rip-offs, more or less identical, at 6 times that. I mean, if you’re buying rip-offs, why pay more than you have to?
Anyway, they are up now. One has replaced the very cute but completely useless (in that it would only hold two garments, and not very bulky ones) coat hanger from IKEA that we put up in the hall for the lass’ clothes:
The other one has been added to the bedroom wall, where some odds and ends have also come up:
The crooked (my fault, I haste to add) picture is a present from Tonbel, the angel from another good friend and the messy artwork is the lass’ “creation”, with rather a lot of help from the daycare staff.
For some strange reason it’s taken us months to check out Etikken, a new shop in the town center stocking organic and fair trade food, and recently also children’s clothes. Well, I suppose we can partly blame it on the moving thing, we’ve been trying to avoid buying stuff that would simply have to be moved.
This Saturday we had quite a lot of dry goods on the shopping list, and finally found our way to Kjøpmannsgata 51. I was quite prepared to be dissappointed, to be honest, but luckily my pessimism was put to shame. We got everything on our list, and more, much more, since it was a case of “Ooh, I’ve never seen that brand in Norway before, better get some!” and “Look, they have pinto beans! I’m buying the whole stock!” and “I’ll just have a look at the children’s clothes, too… Oooh, look!” and so on.
We buy Wild Tracks direct from their website, but were glad to see it hanging prettily on the end of the shelves there, as that means we’ll have somewhere to send people when they want to try it – especially if they want to try something other than the darkly roasted espresso version we go for (because if that’s what they want, we just give them a bag).
What with meat and veg from the farmers market and most of our dry goods from Etikken, it’s going to be a lot easier to shop local, green and fair in the future. Yay for that.
Two new friends moved in with us yesterday. First off: Nigel the Annihilator.
The lass promptly pronounced him a “løwe” (lion) and insisted on dressing him in the monster hat that I also bought. It didn’t really work as a hat for him as she couldn’t get it to cover his ears – very important – without also covering his nose, but she was quite happy when she found it could be used as “bosse” (trousers, though sleeping bag would be more descriptive of the effect).
I’ve been admiring the work of Happycloud Thunderhead (etsy and blog) for a while, and was thrilled to have actual specimens in my hands. I suppose it’s a little late for Christmas shopping now, but surely you can find an excuse to buy a monster in 2009? Go shop!
The second new member of the family is someone I’ve coveted quite shamefully for some time, namely Doyle the Bat from Soto Softies (I’ll snap his portrait later). He’s being kept well out of reach of the lass’ hands for the time being, but I’m smitten like a very smitten thing indeed. I did, in fact, consider bringing him to work with me.
They are both the results of a very limited shopping spree I indulged in as a sort of reward for landing myself a (fairly well paid) permanent job (and in the middle of the financial crisis to boot). In fact, this is pretty much the extent of the shopping spree, the only additional thing being a digiscrapping kit or two, amounting to less than 20 dollars, so I’m feeling very restrained.