
There ought to be a law against getting up at four in the morning. We have lots of other laws to protect people from their own stupidity, so why not this one?

Anyway. Safely back from Trondheim (the plane was 45 minutes late due to snow – all I could think of was “I could have stayed in bed for another 45 minutes!”), if a little on the tired side.

Voice in my head: Neil Young – Harvest Moon

I want to be in the UK!

Ok, I know there’s nothing new here. I mean, when do I ever not want to be in the UK?

But October is National Cider & Perry Month! Mmmm. Me want. Now!

Instead of the UK, though, I will be going to Trondheim this weekend. Martin‘s teaching the students at UKA to enjoy cigars and I’m coming along for, uhm, well, nothing in particular, really, except I don’t want to be in Oslo for a whole weekend without him. I know. Sickening, isn’t it?

I’ll tell you what is sickening, actually. Apparently this is a real house that someone is trying to sell (well, wouldn’t you?). Some redecoration might be necessary…

Voice in my head: The Proclaimers – 500 Miles

Five times five

A recycled Friday Five, apparently, but then I wasn’t doing the FF back in 2001:

1. Name five things in your refrigerator.
3 jars of olives, no, sorry, 4 jars of olives.
Heinz tomato ketchup.
Jam (strawberry and blueberry).
One bottle of English cider.

2. Name five things in your freezer.
Pizza (home made and store bought).
Swedish meatballs.
Home made fiskepudding (like meatloaf, except made from fish) from Martin‘s mother.
(Until this morning) a dead grashopper for my mother.

3. Name five things under your kitchen sink.
A broken whisky nosing glass and various other bits and pieces waiting to go to recycling.
Water purifyer for the fish-tank.
Paints from when I moved in.
Aluminium foil.
Jif kitchen cleaner.

4. Name five things around your computer.
Paper (piles of it).
A now empty coffee mug.
A green cuddly dragon from the Stockholm trip in May (I won it at Gr?na Lund), holding a coctail-stick (shaped like a palm tree) from Koh Phangan.

5. Name five things in your medicine cabinet.
Ibuprophen (various brands, various sizes).
Compeed anti-blister thingies.
Iron supplement.


Another list of the 100 greatest novels of all time. I’ve read 26 of them. In addition, I’ve started another 8 and put them down unfinished for some reason or other. And in another 15 cases I’ve read another work by the author than the one on the list.

Not too bad.

Been reminded of a lot of books that I’ve been meaning to read though.

So many books, so little time.

Voice in the room: Melissa Etheridge singing I Want You at full blast

Continuing the tradition

Dear Santa,

I have been reasonably good this year, I think. I have not gone on a killing spree with a sawn off shotgun and I have not, despite what a lot of people would agree was adequate provocation, strangled, slapped or even yelled at anyone. I have visited my grandparents as often as I could and I have tried to remember to phone them. I have remembered all of my friends’ birthdays within at most a week and I have made an effort to tell people that I appreciate their friendship even though it might not always be obvious when I am in one of my unsociable moods.

I would therefore appreciate it if you could take a look at the following list and do with it as you see fit. It’s pretty similar to last year’s list, really, but then, I don’t seem to change much (and neither does the world). I know Christmas is still some time away, but I just started my own Christmas list (who gets what – it takes some thought, and I like getting it right) today, and I figured some of the items – item 1 especially – might take you some time.

1. Peace on earth. (I’m sure you did your best last year, unfortunately the human race seem to have messed it up again. A renewed attempt would be much appreciated.)
2. A breadmaker.
3. A measure of will-power.
4. The new novel by Jo Nesb? (Marekors).
5. A bag of Non Stop (didn’t get one last year, and even if I had it would have been gone by now)
6. Some time for J.K. Rowling to sit down and finish writing The Last Two Books.
7. Health and longevity for my nearest and dearest and for the following authors/artists (and any others I may have forgotten): Robin Hobb, J.K. Rowling, Stephen Fry, Jo Nesb?, Ole Paus, Bj?rn Eidsv?g, Alanis Morisette, Michael Wiehe, Parkinson, H?kon Gullv?g, Rosamunde Pilcher, Bill Bryson, Kate Atkinson, Bob Dylan and Jasper Fforde. You know why.
8. A Canon EOS 300D
9. Roman Holiday on DVD, and some other stuff.
10. More room in my flat (ok, I know it’s tricky, but surely you can come up with something, considering your ability to fit down chimneys and all?)


Husmorskolen skal utdele priser til norske bloggere. Kom deg av gårde for å nominere!

PS. Jeg vil selvsagt gjerne vinne. Helst Beste design eller Peneste kvinnelige eller noe, men jeg takker ja til det meste (Mest banale? Verste design?) – en pris er en pris er en pris. Man er da ikke kresen.

Sukk og stønn

Dagens mest overflødige artikkel i Nettavisen: Barn med plager mest mobbet.

Hyperaktive, overvektige eller psykiske syke barn blir dobbelt så ofte utsatt for mobbing som andre barn, viser en ny nordisk undersøkelse.

Nei, sier du det? Unnskyld meg, men det er et kjent faktum at de fleste mobbere både har dårlig fantasi og er late. Selvsagt kan du bli mobbet selv om du er “helt normal” også, men det krever mye mer energi fra mobberens side, og er det derfor noen andre i nærheten som er et enklere mål er det stor sjangse for å slippe unna. Trust me, I’ve been there.

Man må spørre seg hva slags skole de som uttrykker overraskelse over resultatene gikk på.

A blogger meme?

Melissa is trying to avoid rational thought. This is something I can fully sympatise with and so I’m showing my support by doing her “silly meme“:

The blogger you’d trust with your life:
None, unless I’m allowed to repeat myself.

The blogger you can trust with your deepest, darkest secrets:
Definitely none. I don’t trust anyone with my deepest darkest secrets. Actually, I’m not sure I have any deepest, darkest secrets, but if I did I wouldn’t trust anyone with them.

The blogger who makes you laugh the most:

The blogger who makes you think the most:
Sarah Hatter

The blogger you’d like to live near to:

The blogger you’d like to have as a roommate:
Uhm. Mmmm. Well. Isn’t that obvious?

The blogger you’d like to go to Disneyland (or Six Flags) with:
Indiana Jane

The blogger on your blogroll who is most similar to you. How?
Tough one. Most of the bloggers on my blogroll are similar to me in some aspects at least. The reason they are there – hence the reason I read them – is that they frequently succeed at expressing something that I myself have felt or experienced but have failed to put words to. I think this happens most frequently with Vaughan, actually, though in many ways we are totally dissimilar as well.

The blogger on your blogroll who is most different than you. How?
Oh, I don’t know. Susan, maybe? How? Well, how should I know?

Lastly, pick five bloggers you’d like to have a slumber party/party/bar night with. What would you do?
Right, dream party, is it? Donna, Anja, Anetten, Meg and obviously Melissa. We’d chatter, that’s what. And probably bitch a fair bit. I’d enjoy myself, anyway. I don’t know about the rest of them, but this is my party and I’ll invite whoever I like.

Retire to New York?

Well, I don’t suppose I’d ever want to retire to anywhere in the USA (if it’s not Norway, Scotland is the only other tempting option currently), but New York?

See, Melissa linked to this “best place for you to retire” quiz, and of course I couldn’t resist. And this is my top ten:

1. New York, NY
2. Jersey City, NJ
3. Wayne, NJ
4. Newark, NJ
5. Uniondale, NY
6. Hempstead, NY
7. Monsey, NY
8. Edison, NJ
9. Long Beach, CA
10. New City, NY

LA, incidentally, was in 11th place.