All Christmassy

I’m still in holiday mood despite being back at work and trying to get a rather important installation to work. It’s all going pear-shaped, but I’m having a bit of a hard time finding the wherewithall to care.

Part of the reason for this is that I’m too happy with the world in general. I’ve quite clearly got The Best Boyfriend™. Obviously, he probably wouldn’t be my boyfriend unless I thought so, but still. I’m having a bit of a hard time believing my luck. I mean, everyone knows Christmas presents are a bit of a tricky subject when you’re in love because if your significant other gets it all wrong it’s hard not to feel that he/she really doesn’t know you at all and that it must mean he/she doesn’t care as much as you thought. I imagine. I wouldn’t know, really, seeing as my significant other got it as “all right” as it’s possible to get it. Not only did he manage to avoid following any of the completely inane advice touted by all the papers in the weeks leading up to Christmas, but he really did manage to get it right on all counts. I got

– one thing actually on my wishlist (Non-stop, not just “a bag”, though)
– one thing I know I’ve mentioned I wanted to buy but never got round to buying myself, partly because I wasn’t aware that it was available yet
– one thing I didn’t even know existed but was thrilled to get
– one thing I’d actually considered buying for him (I didn’t, because I ended up getting something completely different instead)

and that wasn’t even all of it. And every single thing was something you’d actually have to know me quite well to know that I wanted (well, ok, except the Non-stop, you’d only have to read my blog to know I wanted that). To top it all off, it was all wrapped in such a way that it was impossible to guess the contents of any one package – which is another big plus.

Oh, and he made me laugh, too. How much better can it get?

Well, of course, he could have been in the room rather than 400 miles or so away, but that wasn’t to be helped. (It will be helped next year though. There is simply no way I am conceding my right to spend Christmas Eve with the love of my life next year.)

Apart from missing Martin like crazy, Christmas wasn’t bad at all. To continue the evaluation of the presents, my parents got me the breadmaker I wanted, so now there will be loads of freshly baked bread to be had – once I’ve unpacked, that is. I got a couple of books I’m looking forward to reading, a cd from my brother which, characteristically, looks interesting (he sees it as his mission to “educate” me in that area), a couple of odds and ends that will look nice around the flat – oh, and my grandparents gave me cash, which is boring but useful.

We (my parents, my brother and I) drove up to Trondheim on Christmas Day and Martin’s mother invited us all to dinner, which was very nice (and very good). Since then I’ve spent a blissful couple of days – in Martin’s company, or they wouldn’t have been very blissful, obviously – doing very little at all, which probably explains why my brain refuses to get back to “work mode” today.

Actually, one thing I have done is scan some slides, so once I get around to it you will be able to find pictures from the last trip to Scotland in the gallery. I’ll let you know.


The last Friday Five of the year:

1. What was your biggest accomplishment this year?
Not really sure I accomplished anything particularly “big” this year.

2. What was your biggest disappointment?
That the main project at work still hasn’t gone live. I’m getting heartily sick of it.

3. What do you hope the new year brings?
The project going live. And some other stuff.

4. Will you be making any New Year’s resolutions? If yes, what will they be?
I don’t tend to make resolutions at New Year particularly, it’s more a case of continuous resolutions throughout the year as I realise the necessity.

5. What are your plans for New Year’s Eve?
Don’t have any yet, apart from wanting to be the same place as Martin and intending to toast 2004 in with champagne.


Månedens tema på er 2003, og det er jo ganske passende. Jeg kunne jo selvsagt foreslå at man leser seg gjennom arkivet på Little Voices, men det er ikke særlig brukervenlig av meg. I stedet stjeler jeg Mariannes utmerkede liste som utgangspunkt for oppsummering av året…

Nytt bekjentskap:

Min beste venninne:

Min beste kompis:

Hvor jeg tilbrakte mest tid:
Hjemme. Kjedelig svar, hva? Ellers… Hm, later til å ha vært på The Dubliner ganske mye.

Hvem jeg hang mest sammen med:

Hvem som ga meg flest latterkramper:
Enten Arve eller Linda, jeg har ikke akkurat talt.

Hva jeg brukte mest penger på:
Uffda. Whisky (særlig om du teller reisene til Skottland). Bøker (business as usual). Dyreste enkeltobjekt var Creative Jukebox Zen’en.

Hva jeg drev med?:
Uhm. Whisky? Ok, noe annet også. Lest mye. Stablet på beina. Jobbet. Myset. Tok 9th grade i karate og droppet karate igjen (har ikke tid). Begynte med skotsk folkedans. Gikk rundt og var forelska (med varierende grad av bevissthet).

Antall forelskelser:

Antall sexpartnere:

Hvem som satt dypest spor:
Arve, selvsagt.

Og hva fikk meg til å falle for ham?:
Som du spør.

Hvor mange hjerter jeg knuste:
Tror ikke jeg drev så mye med det i 2003. Håper ikke det. Vet ikke om noen, i hvert fall.

Hvor mange ganger mitt hjerte ble knust:
Ingen (heldigvis).

Beste plate:
To Rustne Herrer – Tolv rustne strenger
Hvilke andre plater kom ut i 2003? Kommer bare på plater som kom tidligere, tror jeg.

Sang som holdt seg lengst på hjernen:
Vanskelig. Tror den jeg har hatt oftest på hjernen i år er Alanis Morissettes 21 Things I want in a Lover

Beste film:
Forhåpentligvis Atter en Konge, men hittil… Himmelfall, tror jeg, gitt.

Beste bok:
J.K. Rowling – Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Jasper Fforde – The Eyre Affair/Lost in a Good Book/The Well of Lost Plots
Patrck O’Brian – The complete Aubrey/Maturin series

Beste innkjøp:
Creative Jukebox Zen. Love it, love it, love it.

Beste minne(r):
17. juli (og de fleste av dagene etter det).
Cliffs of Moher.
“Åka ringar” på en sjø utenfor Arvika.
Guinness på Guinness.
Gröna Lund.
Cider og gode venner på Wetherspoon’s i Worthing.
Snowboarding – må prøves igjen.
“Omvisning” med katt som eneste guide på Bladnoch.
Grand Prix ganger to.
Dans på St. Andrew’s Ball.
“Eying up the guys” på Akkurat i Stockholm.
Hest og vogn gjennom Dublins gater.
17. mai i særdeles godt selskap.
Bursdagsfeiring på The Dubliner.
Øl på The Porterhouse.
Lillebjørn Nilsen på Rockefeller, To Rustne Herrer i konserthuset.

I det hele tatt har det vært et bra år…

Villeste minne:
Villeste? Vet ikke om jeg har gjort noen spesiellt ville ting i år.
Forresten var det ganske villt, på en litt stillferdig måte, å oppdage at jeg kunne si “Jeg elsker deg” og mene det for første gangen i mitt liv.

Dårligste minne:
Døgnet etter at jeg så Bowling for Columbine var ikke artig.

Verste dag / Beste dag:
Verste dag – hm – 13. september var ikke bra, 14. var hakket verre.
Beste dag: 17. juli. Og så var 18. juli bedre, og 19. var enda bedre og 20…

Planer for det nye året:
Pusse opp kjøkken (har vært planen de to siste årene, så kanskje ikke veldig sannsynlig).
Tur til Skottland i april/mai og september.
Få orden på økonomien (trengs).
Tilbringe masse tid sammen med Arve.
Besøke Linda så ofte som mulig.
Besøke Janne oftere enn i fjor.
Bruke hytta.
Bruke rollerblades’ene mer enn en gang…
Gjøre noe med ikke-blog delene av denne nettsiden.
Bruke kameraet mer og ta bedre bilder.


In a few minutes Christmas Lunch will be declared open and that will be the end (hopefully) of work for me until the 29th. Time off is going to be goooooooood.

The christmas lunch might be fun, of course. In the time-honoured tradition of such things, there will be free booze. Free booze starting at 2 pm is a bit risky. Nevermind, there’s nothing I need to do tonight except meet up with Martin – and possibly my brother – and they have both seen me drunk before (and probably will again). Will try to remember to drink the odd glass of water or similar non-alchoholic substance.

Voice in my head: Roy Wood(?) – I Wish it could be Christmas Every Day (which is rubbish, I wish no such thing, once a year is pretty much perfect)


Rapperen Eminem er den personen nordmenn har søkt mest etter på Internett i 2003. Det viser MSNs statistikk for årets søk.

Nettavisen har problemer med å tolke statistikk, ser jeg. Eminem er den personen flest nordmenn av de som bruker MSNs søk – snarere enn f.eks. google som ethvert fornuftig menneske – har søkt mest etter. Ikke helt det samme.

Not quite 5×5

Friday Five (with some missing answers):

1. List your five favorite beverages.
Coffee (plain black), tea (PG Tips w/milk), sparkling water, English Cider and uhm, single malt scotch whisky. Whisky is a beverage, right?

2. List your five favorite websites. (shameless self-promotion)
nettavisen tools

3. List your five favorite snack foods.
Tortilla chips
Cheese & crackers

4. List your five favorite board and/or card games.
Trivial Pursuit
“Vri åtter”

5. List your five favorite computer and/or game system games.
Space Invaders