Oh dear, oh dear

So sorry. I seem to have gone dumb as an oyster lately. I will attempt to get a grip, but can’t guarantee anything.

Anyhow: So, what’s new?

Well, here in the lovely city of Trondheim I am no longer “between jobs”, I have employment, of sorts, at the University. It’s a temp job that may become permanent (now that would be nice), though at the moment the being that is the university seems to have its usual commitophobia and can’t seem to make any sorts of decisions at all. Apart from that the job is highly enjoyable.

On the home front, marriage is suiting me fine and we have a hole in our ceiling which enables us to see the upstairs neighbour’s kitchen, bathroom and broom-cupboard from our bathroom and to have conversations while one of us is in the bathroom and the other one in the kitchen. We can also tell which football team our neighbour roots for whenever the football is on, but that’s by the by. This hole is due to a leak in one of the pipes of said neighbour. Mind you, it’s better to have holes in the ceiling than in the floor – much less risk of falling through them for one – and according to the workmen they are about to tear up the whole floor of the bathroom upstairs, whereas we can, with a bit of strategically placed plastic to cover the holes, live pretty much as normal (which is not very normal, I dare say, but normal for us, anyway).


Sorry. I’m going to have to withdraw from the ‘thon.

There is just no way I’ll be able to stay up until tomorrow afternoon, especially as I’ve actually got to be awake and all on Monday seeing as I’ve actually got a temp-job next week. Had I been able to spend a couple of days getting back in line, it might have been possible, I lost my ability to change my sleeping pattern around willy-nilly some time in the late 90’s, unfortunately.

My apologies. Better luck next year, eh?

Go check out the people who are doing it, though – and get those sponsorship dollars, kroner og euro rolling…

All set

Well, sort of. I’ve signed up for the Blogathon and even managed to get my ribbon banner in the correct position after a few tries…

I’ll still be blogging for Plan International, just like in 2003, so I’ll try to provide you with a bit of information about them, and why I think they are wort supporting, leading up to 6th August. I’ll also try to post a bit more in general, now that we have broadband again I have no excuse for the drought that’s been going on here lately.

Shame on me.

Still, please come back for more, and please sign up to sponsor me…

Det kjente språket gobbeldigok

Vi var nylig i Storbritania på bryllupsreise (hvor skulle man ellers dra?) og fikk de vante “Welcome to the UK” meldingene på mobiltelefonen. For det meste ble de selvsagt slettet umiddelbart (hva er egentlig poenget med disse meldingene???), men en var underholdende nok til å bli tatt vare på. Jeg siterer:

Vdlkommen til Vodafone, rankat som det bdsta ndtet i Storbritannien. Nu ner du kundeservice via kortnummer 200, precis som hemma. Ha en trevlig vistelse!

Jeg skjønner jo også at det ikke er så lett med ä og å, men d og e? Og hvorfor ikke heller skrive på engelsk like gjerne, jeg føler meg ikke så mye mer velkommen av å få melding på svensk, faktisk… (Det siste er vel egentlig Tele2 sin feil, vil jeg tro.) Og hvorfor opplyser de om kundeservice-nummeret til Vodafone? Hvor mange er det som ringer kundeservice i hytt og pine? Hvis telefonen min ikke virker får jeg jo ikke ringt dem, og det er da uansett lite sannsynlig at de kan hjelpe meg, de vil vel bare henvise til min egentlige operatør?

Det som derimot hadde vært litt nyttig – hvis de nå absolutt skal slenge rundt seg med sånne meldinger – var om du når du kom til et nytt land fikk beskjed om hvilke nødnummer som gjaldt (110, 112, 113 eller 911?), for eksempel og et nummeropplysningsnummer. Det kan man jo faktisk finne på å ha bruk for…