
(Via Theresa, and I’m following her example and doing it in English, methinks)

Eggedosis eller kakao?
What the heck is eggedosis in English? It’s like eggnog without the milk… just sugar and raw egg.

Hot chocolate. Eggedosis is just nauseating after about one mouthful.

Pakker nissen gavene eller bare legger han dem under treet? Does Santa wrap the presents or does he just put them under the tree?

He wraps them, of course. Or rather, one of the elves wraps them.

Fargede eller hvite lys p


Ok, en smal del av bokhøsten, kanskje. Vi fikk et reklameskriv fra Novus Forlag i dag. Jeg reagerte en smule på bok nummer 1 – den heter nemlig “Literacy i norsk seinmellomalder”. “Literacy”? Har vi virkelig ikke noe norsk ord for dette begrepet? Kan i så fall noen være så snille å finne på ett? Norsk språkråd, hvor er dere når vi virkelig trenger dere?

Spesiellt morsomt blir det når siste boka på lista heter “Teamwork? Man kan lika gärna samarbeta” – den handler om importord på svensk…

Dear Santa

(copied from the old blog to enable revising…)

another year has gone, at least very nearly, and still no peace on earth. And what’s with all these natural cathastrophies? I know I never got around to sending you a list last year, so the peace-issue might have slipped your mind, I guess. Anyway, I think I’ve been reasonably good this year, too – I certainly try my best. This year’s list is as follows.

1. Peace on earth.
2. A portable C-Pen.
3. A measure of will-power.
4. Units for the kitchen.
5. A bag of Non Stop (you can never have enough).
6. Some time for J.K. Rowling to sit down and finish writing The Last Book.
7. Health and longevity for my nearest and dearest and for the following authors/artists (and any others I may have forgotten): Robin Hobb, J.K. Rowling, Stephen Fry, Jo Nesb

New year, new blog

What do you mean it’s not New Year’s yet?

I now have a working moveable type installation. Don’t, by the way, assume this mess was mt’s fault, it wasn’t, my tables were all in a hoo – whatever a hoo is – after the database move, I tried to fix it, but obviously didn’t, and in the process I think I probably made it worse. In any case, I decided I wanted a working blog soon and a working archive of past entries later, rather than the other way round. In the meantime, all the little voices and currently reading entries are available, though you can’t comment on them and you can’t search them, although I suspect it will look like you can, except you won’t get any results…

Well, you know, computers… What I really want for Christmas is a telepathic computer. One that realises that if I type _ and that makes no sense, whereas typing – would have made sense, – was probably what I was aiming for anyway.

That sort of thing.

Now to fix the menu/front page, so that y’all – whoever you are – can find this new blog…