Bambi on ice

This weekend we were at the cabin in Finnskogen. And I saw something I’ve never seen before and probably will never see again, and which has to rate among the top three most absurd things I’ve ever seen (very possibly it’s THE most absurd thing I’ve ever seen, I certainly can’t think of any contenders off the top of my head).

Here goes: On Saturday we were driving from the cabin deep in the woods to my grandparents’ house not so deep in the woods. For the first part of the journey the road is almost-two-lanes and not very well travelled. It’s November, and almost winter, and that morning there were patches of ice on the road. My father – who was driving – came a little too fast into a turning where there was ice, and started to skid just a little. Just around the corner there’s a bloody great big moose in the middle of the road. Not the most unusual sight at Finnskogen, but enough to make us a bit jumpy considering the driver had less than perfect control over the car.  However, we obviously made the poor moose jump, too (what’s that they say: It’s more afraid of you than you are of it?), because he jumped, skidded and slid and…

landed on his ass and slid – back legs out to the side, front legs frantically scrabbling for a hold – across the road.

Now, seriously? I thought this sort of thing only happended in Disney pictures.

Once he got to the side of the road he got a hold, got onto all four legs again and stalked off, feeling, one must assume, really embarassed. “Jeeez. Did they have to come around the corner and startle me like that? I bet they’re laughing their heads off now.” We were. “It would be just my luck if they had a video camera running. I’ll be all over YouTube by this evening.” Well. We didn’t, unfortunately. I actually had my camera on my lap, but I was too flabbergasted to even think about taking pictures before it was way too late.

The pledge

I, Mirthful, pledge that I shall abstain from the purchase of “new” manufactured items of clothing, for the period of 2 months. I pledge that I shall refashion, renovate, recycle preloved items for myself with my own hands in fabric, yarn or other medium for the term of my contract. I pledge that I will share the love and post a photo of my refashioned, renovoated, recycled, crafted or created item of clothing on the Wardrobe Refashion blog, so that others may share the joy that thy thriftyness brings! Signed Mirthful.


And so it begins. I thought I’d try this for 2 months to start with, which is kind of a cheat as I can quite easily go 2 months without buying any new clothes even without a pledge – I often have a hard time finding anything I actually want in the shops (though I will probably find lots of items I actually want now that I’ve pledged not to…).

Ah well

What do you do when you have a blog and nothing in particular to write about? You fill it with silly quizzes and memes, that’s what. What, what?


Your Score: Pure Nerd

91 % Nerd, 47% Geek, 43% Dork

For The Record:

A Nerd is someone who is passionate about learning/being smart/academia.
A Geek is someone who is passionate about some particular area or subject, often an obscure or difficult one.
A Dork is someone who has difficulty with common social expectations/interactions.

You scored better than half in Nerd, earning you the title of: Pure Nerd.

The times, they are a-changing. It used to be that being exceptionally smart led to being unpopular, which would ultimately lead to picking up all of the traits and tendences associated with the “dork.” No-longer. Being smart isn’t as socially crippling as it once was, and even more so as you get older: eventually being a Pure Nerd will likely be replaced with the following label: Purely Successful.




Thanks to Tone for providing the link and for scoring higher than me on dorkiness :D

Incidentally, in my sociolect or whatever you’d call it, the differentiation in the definitions of geek and nerd is pretty much the other way around. Not that it matters.

I worry about myself sometimes

I think I’ve mentioned before that in addition to getting earworms, I also get poetry or bits of blank verse stuck in my head – sometimes for days. I’ve recently realised this also happens with short phrases, or even words. For example, a month or two ago I had the word “pasilurken” floating around in my head, popping up to the surface of my consciousness and submerging again at irregular intervals, and I couldn’t decide whether to be more annoyed or amused.

Now in that case, obviously, it was the unusualness of the word that caught my fancy. At other times, quite ordinary words get stuck, and then twisted. Like soup. Innocuous enough, as words go, right? Well, the other night it reduced me to tears of amusement. It went like this: I had soup for lunch. Then, at bedtime, I commented something my husband said with “surprise” (our normal slang for “what else is new?”). As usual, he countered with a bad pun “If the soup rises, please try to make it to the bathroom in time”. And as usual, I laughed. (I laugh at bad puns, especially my husband’s bad puns. This is one of many reasons he claims I am easily amused.) We then turned off the lights and proceeded to attempt to fall asleep. The word “soup” and the word “rise” continued to float around in my head, though. Some time later, I snorted out loud. My ever trusty brain had presented me with the alternative Hemingway title “The soup also rises”. My husband wanted to know what was so funny. I tried to explain, but realised it really wasn’t particularly funny, and so started laughing harder (impeccable logic), so it took a while before I managed to fill him in.

I worry about myself sometimes…

Med blanke ark og fargestifter tel

Jepp. Ny bloggingsoftware. Out with the old, in with the new. Fortsatt like språkforvirra, men det løser seg jo ikke over natten.

Just for now, most of the old content will disappear. Some or most might reappear later, I just need to decide which bits I actually want to keep.

We apologize for the inconvenience. Or not. It’s my site, after all, I can do what I bl**dy well please.


Nå har jeg endelig fått sydd denne, den har surret rundt i hodet mitt lenge… Fasongen er noe endret fra sist (litt bredere, litt høyere), og så har den både avstivet nakkestøtte og sovehette (siden jeg er en ja-takk-begge-deler kind of girl). Sovehetten kan skjules når den ikke er i bruk (ikke 100% sikker på at det var så smart som jeg trodde) og har ekstra hemper for å gjøre knytingen mer fleksibel (bilder følger når jeg får sydd på festene på stroppene, de har jeg nemlig glemt…). Er dog relativt fornøyd :D

Apple blue
Apple blue w/sleeping hood showing

Pute til Tripp-Trapp-stolen

Nå har snuppa begynt å kunne sitte i tripp-trappen, og da ble det tvingende nødvendig å sy en stropp (siden vi har kjøpt stolen på loppemarked uten ekstrautstyr og fått låne bøyle uten stropp), og når jeg først var i gang fant jeg ut at jeg skulle forsøke å sy et putesett også (siden puta vi fikk låne egentlig egner seg bedre til “vanlig” babystol). Her er resultatet, og jeg er ganske så fornøyd – rygg- og seteputa er separate, så de kan brukes også etter at vi har fjernet bøylen og senket setet. Stoffet er akrylduk fra Åhlens, forhåpenligvis må det i maskinen litt sjeldnere enn vanlig stoff ville trengt.

Home-made cushion for the Tripp-Trapp

Ønskeliste for ungen

Jeg trenger et sted å ha dette…:

– Enkle byggeklosser (gjerne fra Alveslottet). Vi trenger noe sånt ganske snart, det er nemlig i ferd med å bli morsomt å rive ned ting som andre har stablet.

– Lego. Først og fremst Primo (må kjøpes brukt, ikke i produksjon lenger), men gjerne duplo (mamma liker særlig dyrehagen-eskene) og lego også (vi sparer bare eskene og åpner dem etterhvert som hun blir gammel nok).

– pekebøkene “Dyreunger” og “Kjæledyr” i serien “Kjenn på dyrene” fra Litor (vi har de to andre og de er veldig fine)

– pekebøker med rim, fortrinnsvis som ikke får deg til å føle deg helt idiot når du skal lese dem høyt…

– bøker generellt, selvsagt

– regnbueull fra Janus eller ulltøy og ull-og-silketøy fra Nøstebarn (str. 86+, gjerne 92+ dersom det ikke er stort i størrelsen)

– heldrakter (og bodyer, gensere eller bukser) fra f.eks. Katvig, Småfolk eller Molo (str. 86+, gjerne 92+ dersom det ikke er stort i størrelsen)

– puttekasse (og bankebrett, stableesker o.l.) gjerne i tre

– En Rubens Barn dokke de har dem på Det lune redet (edit: vi har kjøpt en som gave fra oldemor – en fra Ark-serien som er kledd ut som drage – men kan nok godt ha flere…)

– Tredukkevogn (Ringo nettbutikk, eller f.eks. Edwis, men der kostet den mer)

– brio-tog (etterhvert?)

– akebrett som hun kan sitte på nå (altså ikke rattkjelke, f.eks….)