Her sitter jeg

…det er fredag ettermiddag og om noen få strakser har jeg tenkt å takke for meg for i dag og gå og ta en fredagspils (les: et glass rødvin).

Men først tenkte jeg at jeg skulle gjøre en innsats som flunkende nytt medlem av nettdagbok.no og skrive en liten snutt om en “livsforandrende tilfeldighet”, som er denne månedens tema.

I løpet av universitetsstudiene i Trondheim ble det klart at jeg “måtte” komme meg til de britiske øyer for å skrive Master og eventuellt Ph.D. Som tenkt så gjort og jeg satte meg ned for å skrive søknader. Den “opplagte” ble sendt av gårde, Cambridge (ikke Oxford, lang historie), men akk, de ville ikke ha meg (mulig at jeg burde brukt mer enn fem minutter på forslaget til oppgave?). Dersom jeg ikke kunne komme meg til Cambridge var jeg innstillt på at da skulle jeg til Irland. Men så hadde jeg en venninne (har, ikke hadde) som var Manchester United fan (er, ikke var), og som sa: “Manchester! Det er en fin by! Søk der!” Så gjorde jeg det. Innen jeg hadde fått ja fra både ditten og datten i Irland hadde jeg lest litt mer om Manchester funnet ut at studieopplegget der passet meg bedre enn det irske, så jeg takket ja til den plassen jeg ble tilbudt der.

Året i Manchester førte til mye rart, men viktigst, kanskje, til at jeg bestemte meg for at jeg ikke ville drive forskning allikevel, og at jeg derfor trengte et yrke (og fortrinnvis ett som ikke gikk ut på å undervise i engelsk, det eneste utdanningen min kvalifiserte meg til). Så jeg satt meg ned og tenkte: “Hva kan jeg, bortsett fra å lese massevis av bøker?” Og sånn havnet jeg i IT bransjen. Kort fortalt.

Hvem vet, dersom Linda ikke hadde vært fotball-fan hadde jeg kanskje sittet i et nedstøvet bibliotek i Cork i dag. Søren. Det hørtes egentlig ganske ok ut. Nå tror jeg jeg skal gå og drikke vin før jeg begynner å lure på om dette var en dum tilfeldighet å rippe opp i…


Protokoll til toppkarakter

du fikk 15 av totalt 18 poeng

Du har fått etiketten inn med morsmelken, gått på danseskole, har bodd utenlands og har de riktige bekjentskapene og vet at det finnes et åndsliv. Er du ikke innenfor allerede, så er det fordi du ikke vil.

Tja. Danseskole har jeg ikke gått på, og hvilke bekjentskaper er det snakk om her? Etikette? En av vandrehistoriene i familien vår er at den første nyttårsaftenen foreldra mine var gift skulle de ha middagsselskap, og pappa polerte vinglassene. Det synes mamma var en så besteborgelig ting å gjøre at hun begynte å grine (mamma griner når hun blir skikkelig sint – jeg har noe å slekte på).

Men om jeg vil innefor eller ikke? Se der kan de vel ha rett…

(Link via andedammen)

Is it unpatriotic

…to wish that the Norwegian Eurovision entry receives 0 points? Well, I dunno, I do.

And so, I find myself agreeing with a Swede (or two, or two million, I wouldn’t know). (The column is in Swedish, but there’s a great Morrisey quote down the end in English, so have a look anyway.)


Donna muses (or rants, whichever way you want to look at it) on reputation:

On a different note: does reputation matter? Does it actually matter what people think of you? Should how people view you have any bearing on how you view yourself? And if you’re so ashamed of the things that you do that you don’t want anybody to know… should you really be doing them?

Well, you know, on the whole the only thing that matters is whether you yourself like you the way you are. Other people may dislike what you do, and may let their prejudice affect how they treat you, but that is really no reason to pretend to be something you’re not. If you don’t get that job because of the recruiter’s prejudice, well, then, tough luck. But would it be better to hide whatever is unusual about you? Would you really want to work someplace where you’d have to watch every word you say so as not to “expose yourself”? I wouldn’t.

One of my favourite Gruks – Hvad må folk tro – has a bearing on the subject. A rough translation would go something like this:

What might people think
Question and answer.

The fear, which drives
many to the brink:
the question of
what might people think?
There’s only one answer
you can use
that people may think
what they bloody choose.

(Piet Hein)


What’s with the branding, anyway? It’s the Friday Five.

1. What brand of toothpaste do you use?

2. What brand of toilet paper do you prefer?
Whichever is cheapest and recycled.

3. What brand(s) of shoes do you wear?
Right now I’ve got a very comfy pair of Bjørn Borg shoes, bought on sale. I normally jump at any Vagabonds on sale. And then there’s the Docs. Gotta have Docs.

4. What brand of soda do you drink?
I don’t. Well, ok, so once in a blue moon I get a craving for Coke (not the diet stuff), and then I buy some. Coke is also what I chose to drink if I’m offered soda, but I’ll drink practically any other soda as well, unless there’s sparkling water to be had – I prefer sparkling water (or even just plain tap water), especially if I’m thirsty.

5. What brand of gum do you chew?
I don’t. No, really, I don’t.

Now go read No Logo.

Voice in my head: Shakira – Underneath Your Clothes

A couple of changes

There are two new links on the menu this evening. One is the link to the Norwegian diary (which, by the way, I guess I ought to write a bit in). The other is The Kitchen. I’ve been scrounging the net for Tapas recipes for Saturday, and I needed someplace handy to keep them, so I added a kitchen section – it’s there for my own convenience, mostly, but you can obviously feel free to use it too… I’ll be adding comments to the recipes I use, to note things like ease of preparation, and I hope you’ll do the same if you decide to try any of them.

Are you a hoopy frood?

Do you know where your towel is?

Then there’s only one thing to do: Click the banner, pay attention, and tell me on Monday how your day was (please count the weird looks).

Get into the spirit of the thing.

Yes, you should really carry a towel with you all day. You might get teased or looked at weird, but then you can just hide behind your towel until the offensive people go away. (These people are mind-bogglingly stupid and think that if you can’t see them, they can’t see you – daft as a bush, but dangerous otherwise.)

It’s that time of year again

Time for the Eurovision final.

It’s this Saturday, and – obviously – I’ve invited people over to eat tapas and watch the show on BBC Prime (has to be on Prime, cannot, I repeat: cannot, miss Terry Wogan’s comments). Should be fun.

I need to go shopping, though. Have to locate a shop that sells chorizo sausages and serrano ham. I wonder if tapas might be a bit overly ambitious, especially considering the state of my kitchen (it’s started disintegrating further, now, this weekend most of the plastic cold-water-tap-handle came off in my hand), but I figure that the benefit is that with so many different dishes, they can’t all go wrong. We will see. Suggestions for fail-safe tapas dishes would be appreciated.

Living on the edge

Dear me, according to this test I am liable for sentences of up to 12 years in prison. There are some strange laws about, especially in the UK. How’s this for an example:

Ever shot someone with a bow and arrow? This is actually legal in certain sitations in the UK – in Chester, you can only shoot a Welsh person with a bow and arrow inside the city gates and after midnight. In York, excluding Sundays, it is perfectly legal to shoot a Scotsman with a bow and arrow.

I wonder what the laws of Ireland say about chopping down vikings with a broadsword? Suddenly that summer holiday seems like a more risky venture.