What the f***

Could someone please explain to me what possible point there could be to pantyliners…

Ok, any guys out there might not want to read the rest of this – it’s on a “too much information” kind of level. I just need to rant.

…that aren’t actually lined? As in, they’re just papery stuff and no plastic lining to prevent icky red stuff (yes, yes, I know it’s always pale blue in commercials) soaking through?

Explanation, please?

In combination with imperfect tampons (and all tampons are imperfect) and sweat (I know ladies are not supposed to sweat, but I’m not so sure I’m a lady anyway, and karate certainly makes me sweat) this pantyliner anomaly causes interesting colour effects on white gis, I can tell you.


Serves me right for testing a cheaper “store-brand” variety, maybe, but could someone please explain the point?
