
This must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays.

1. You’ve been given the chance to go back to a point in your life and change a single decision you made; you’ll lose everything that happened since then, but you’ll get to live in the shiny new parallel timeline that develops. Would you? What would you change? And would you want to keep the memory of this timeline, too?

I wouldn’t, I don’t think. A whole new set of difficult decisions to deal with? Thanks, but no thanks. Besides, I can’t think of any single decision I’ve made that I would like to change. I mean, there are several situations I’d have liked to handle differently – a couple of boyfriend snafus that lost me good friends – and a fair few choices where, in retrospect, it’s obvious I made the wrong decisions – I wish I’d done French at IB, for example – but not one, single, momentous, life-changing decision that “went all wrong” – and surely that would have to be the point? I’m pretty happy with my life most of the time.

2. If you could legally sell your vote in the next Presidential election — hand someone a signed, blank ballot in exchange for money — would you do it? And what price would you ask?

No. Not that I have a vote in the next presidental election (though I wish I had, the last one wasn’t exactly a great success and maybe my vote would help), but assuming the question to also mean “in the next general election”, my answer is no. Definitely not.

3. What one object you own has the most sentimental value to you?

I’m having a hard time coming up with something here. I have lots of stuff that has sentimental value (I have lots of stuff – period), and a few things that I keep only for their sentimental value, but not very much that I would be devastated to lose. The things I would be devastated to lose are the things that are irreplaceable – slides and negatives, drawings, paintings, old letters, that sort of thing.

Huh? My coffee tastes of toffee. Why? Have my tastebuds suddenly gone dyslectic? Has someone added toffee flavour to the instant coffee? Is it an echo of last night’s tasting (Clontarf, was it?)? Or am I just going mad?

The latter seems likely.

Voices in my head: Atomic Kitten (sadly) singing The Tide is High