Personal relationships, real and imagined
Do not assume that you know everything there is to know about me simply because you read this blog on a regular basis. Though what I write here is certainly a truth, it is not the whole truth, by a long stretch. If you want to form judgments of me based on the information to be found here, that is your prerogative. If you chose to tell me what you think of me either in the comments or via e-mail (or any other way you like), then it is my prerogative to ignore you, as and when I chose. I invite comments, but if you have nothing constructive or encouraging to say, please count to ten and reconsider. If you disagree with something I’ve said, please ask me to clarify before lashing out – I try to be lucid, but may not always succeed.
On the whole, if you want more information or clarification, please ask. However, do not be offended if I refuse or ignore the request. I am sometimes vague on purpose, and it is possible that I have good reason to be vague, and even if my reasons would not seem adequate to you, what I share and what I don’t is my choice entirely, reading this blog does not automatically give you any right to more information.
If you know or have known me in real life and read this blog on a regular basis, I’d appreciate it if you let me know. Not doing so seems to me to be akin to eavesdropping, and therefore rather childish. Whether I am aware of your readership or not, I avoid writing anything here that I do not want you to hear, so you are not going to “miss out” if you let me know.
Please note that I purposefully make a lot of what I write non-specific, please do not, therefore, assume that I am referring to you just because the facts seem to fit, unless I mention your name specifically. If you read something you do not like, please discuss it with me before you let it affect our relationship. If you feel that I am compromising your privacy by writing about you, please let me know. We should be able to come to a satisfactory agreement, I can either write even more vaguely, or I can refrain from mentioning anything concerning you. Please also consider that although you may (think you) know who and what I am talking about, again, unless I mention names, the rest of the world probably does not.
Other topics
The above covers what I have to say on “Personal relationships and privacy” which is the only part of this general disclaimer for bloggers which I did not feel I could subscribe to. Please read anything that applies to you as regards “Feedback and initiating contact”, “Offensive language and materials” and “Copyright and courtesy” sections.
As far as contacting me goes, the general disclaimer is accurate, except that I would like to add that as of this moment, I do generally respond to all genuine attempts to contact me. Depending on how busy I am, a response might not always appear immediately, however.
I will create a permanent link to this entry in the right hand menu, but felt it was appropriate to create the disclaimer as a blog entry for the very specific reason that you will then be able to comment on it.