Ah, bliss.

Today was a good day. I spent most of it moving some more furniture around (I partly rearranged the living room a week or two ago), tidied up a bit and moved some books around. I now have a few open spaces on my shelves (it won’t last) and the books are no longer heaped on top of each other in a space-saving-but-not-particularly-good-for-them manner. Hamsun is now next to * on the shelf instead of on top of him. Very good. As a result of the furniture rearranging, I now have more usable open space. Also very good. I even got around to vacuuming the floor.

Topped it off with a Trivial Pursuit evening. Perfect company, more or less. Two old friends and a potential new friend. Another person should have been there, but was prevented, which was unfortunate. Anyway, one can’t have everything, I suppose. As it was, I provided them with Meg’s Toucan Lasagne (delish) and red wine, playing at being the perfect host. Not quite perfect enough to let the guests win, though, as I was on the winning team. Well, at least I had a good time. No one else complained, but they may simply have been too polite to say anything.

The experiment will be repeated shortly. Preferably at a time when the missing person can be present. I might try another of Meg’s recipes. Based on the sucsess of the lasagne, I have aquired a profound respect for her culinary abilities.

I like cooking for company (whereas cooking for one is not much fun at all). I really need to get the kitchen sorted so that I can do more of it. At the moment it’s not very condusive to culinary excersions, and I therefore invite people over for dinner far less often than I would like.

Oh, and there’s lasagne left over for my dinner tomorrow. Ah…

Voice on the stereo: whatsername singing All by Myself (the Bridget Jones soundtrack)
