Well, whaddaya know, the Friday Five ties nicely in with the recent spurt of religious confession, doesn’t it?
1. Were you raised in a particular religious faith?
Kinda, sorta, well… My grandmother (paternal) attempted to raise me in the Lutheran church (which is the denomination of the Norwegian state church). And I went to Sunday school (when possible) and was confirmed, so I guess there was a major influence. I’ve never been quite sure what my parents attempted to raise me as – they seem to have let me think it out for myslef, mostly, for which I’m grateful.
2. Do you still practice that faith? Why or why not?
Weeeelll. Not Lutheran, as such. I don’t go to Lutheran churces, anyway, except to accompany my grandparents at Christmas. When I do go to church, I prefer Anglican services, especially Evensong.
3. What do you think happens after death?
Heaven, of some sort, for those who have tried to do right (regardless of religion). Oblivion or possibly “remoteness of God” or something like that for the few people who obviously deserve hell. No eternal damnation with hellfire and little devils poking you with prongs, though.
4. What is your favorite religious ritual (participating in or just observing)?
The Lord’s Prayer
5. Do you believe people are basically good?
No. I believe all people have an innate sense of what is wrong or right, and that the majority long for “right” rather than “wrong”. I do believe that the people who do evil chose to do so against their better judgement.