Walking along quite happily thinking about this and that when suddenly, in the middle of a sentence, a whole line of thought just disappears.
Sound familiar, at all? This happens to me occasionally, and this evening it happened in the middle of “But I don’t understand why…” (or, as I happened to be thinking in Norwegian at the time, “Men jeg skjønner ikke hvorfor…”). Bang. Stop. Finito. I have absolutely no idea whatsoever what the continuation of that sentence was supposed to be. I can’t remember what preceded it, either, except I know I had a parallell though process going “Good grief” repeatedly in response to the current choice of music, which was the few bars of the first song from a record collection they keep trying to make people buy on VH1 commercials. I think the artist is called Eric Epstein, as those are the only words I understand. The text on the box is in Hebrew (or, at least, the Hebrew alphabet). The lyrics and voiceover sound more like German, I suppose it could be Yiddish. Anyway, humming just those couple of bars seems even more pointless than humming those few bars from Faith Hill, hence the “Good grief”. Maybe my brain just got overloaded at trying to maintain two lines of thought at the same time? Normally this isn’t a problem, though.
In any case it is very disconcerting. How am I supposed to find out why if I don’t know why what? The answer, obviously, is 42, but what is the question?
I don’t think you need to send the men with straightjackets, I had a bit of a tense day yesterday, what with the FAT and everything (it went well, btw, but I was all tensed up the whole time – 6 hours – just waiting for something to go terribly wrong. Not that there was any reason for anything to go wrong, just the general principle of “anything that can’t possibly go wrong will”) so I think maybe though I was out for a walk (fresh air being considered useful occasionally) my brain might have been even more so.
This responsibility thing takes some getting used to.
Voice in my head: Alanis Morisette singing “these are 21 things I want in a lover” (which, for a welcome change from the previous couple of days I A. like and B. know the complete lyrics and tune of. Nice.)