This should have been posted a few hours ago, but something was up with blogger. It’s not necessarily worth reading, but I’m a stubborn sort of gal so here goes:
I’m at work and I don’t want to be. It’s amazingly sunny outside. I have tomorrow off (Nicolette’s coming) and Friday (it’s 17 May, the Norwegian national day) and Monday (Pentecost), and I’ve just finished a major piece of work. There are several niggling little things I ought to do, but I have no energy, no motivation to make an effort for another hour. There must be some documentation I can try to keep busy with. Or I could use an hor of flexi-time and abandon ship at three. Actually, that sounds like a really good idea. I could do with the time, anyway, as I went to the gym yesterday instead of cleaning (could’ve done both, but didn’t feel like doing anything much after the workout). So I have to do the cleaning today.
Enthralling reading, isn’t it?
Music in my head: “If I could read your mind…” (and so on, Vonda SHepard, don’t know whether that’s the title or just a line from the refrain)