
Oh, forgot to mention I finally got around to getting a gym membership Wednesday. As my employer pays the fees, not taking advantage would be rather stupid, especially when the gym has a branch two blocks down from where I live, on my way to work. So this afternoon I’m having an intro-session and a programme set up. The chances that I’m going to follow it much are slim to none-existent, but it’s worth a try.

Problem with this sort of excercise is it cuts into my reading time…

Talking about reading, I really need to get a grip and do some work on this master’s degree I thought I’d get (yes, I know I already have one, this is the Norwegian two-year model, and I’m basically doing it because I want to write a thesis). I think scheduling a major session in the library reading bibliographies this Saturday would be a good start. I need to get a reading list together, then I can get down to reading. Reading relevant stuff, I mean.

My grasp on time is slipping (ooops, there it goes) – my honourary nephew (see friends page for proper explanation of phrase) Christopher recently had his birthday. His first, I thought, blithely. No-no-no, his second. Hey – where did that year go??? My sincere apologies to the young man.

Music in my head: Always look on the bright side of life