
Well, I like having an opinion. Did I talk too much, I wonder? Probably. I think I only interrupted someone (rudely) once. That’s pretty good going for me in a two-hour discussion.

The large print book turned out to be a red herring. At least, it was nowhere to bee seen on the shelves. Left the library in disgust (happens occasionally, you know, especially when I’m looking for something specific in English).

Music in my head: Høyt på et tre en kråke (sheesh, am I getting fed up. It’s this really, really meaningless song we used occasionally to sing in school. Why? Why? A quick summary of teh four verses: A crow sits in the top of a tree, a hunter comes along and shoots it down, a year passes and the crow suddenly comes alive again. Makes sense, what? But it’s got this lilting bit in the middle of each verse: “Sim-salabim-bam-ba, sala-du, sala-dim” which is very difficult to get your (or at least my) brain to stop harping on).