Monday Madness. Again, not quite on a Monday.
1. Describe what you believe is a “good” driver.
Technically sure (able to keep mind on traffic rather than “which was the clutch, again”). Considerate to other drivers, though not too hesitant. Observant of the rules, but prepared for other people breaking them. Patient. Able to concentrate on the task in hand – so probably enjoys driving.
2. Describe a “bad” driver (your opinion of course).
Impatient. Arrogant. Insecure (technically or “socially” – driving too slowly or wanting to let everyone else go first can also create dangerous situations). Unable to concentrate.
3. Which category do you fit in? Please back up your answer. Feel free to use examples!
The latter. I’m all right with everything except the concentration part. I think driving is boring. I also have a habit – aquired from being a passenger – of drifting off in my own thoughts when riding in a car, and the fact that I’m the driver doesn’t stop me doing this. Hence I don’t have a licence and I don’t think I ought to have one.