
Looking for a replacement for the Monday Mission (I try to limit the weekly memes, but I’m now down to only the Friday Five which seems to me to be overdoing the limiting) I found one called Monday Madness, which suits me fine. Here are this week’s questions:

1. Do you use any slang words on a regular basis?
Probably, but not that I’m aware of, really. I sometimes catch myself saying “like” in places where one really shouldn’t. Not every, like, sentence, but nevertheless in, like, the wrong place syntactically.

2. Is there any one slang word that really bothers you when you hear others use it?
“Like” used in places where one really shouldn’t.

3. Do you have a favorite slang word?
Uhm. No. I don’t think so. I like using some of the Norwegian slang words for “cool” (“Fett”, “Konge” etc.) in an “ironic” sort of way sometimes.

4. What are your thoughts on adding slang words to the dictionary?
Since the dictionary is supposed to define the language “as is” rather than “as we’d ideally like it to be” (“we” being the academics who compile dictionaries), I think adding slang is part of the package. I also think slang needs some milage before it ought to be added, though, it certainly needs to appear in print in “permanent” publications, for example, as the only real need for defining obsolete words in a dictionary is in case people come across them when reading old printed matter (and slang is rather prone to becoming obsolete quite quickly).